Chapter 15

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[ Atsumu POV ]

I ran towards Erin's house, hopping to find him there. She opened the door, and I noticed someone on the couch, but by the way she was looking at me, she had no idea what was happening. 

" Hi! have you seen 'Samu ? " I asked her, urgency in my voice.

" No why ? "

" We...had a slight dis-accord last night and...  " I stopped talking for a second, trying to phrase this properly.

" And he left and didn't come back home after, to school. Or to volleyball practice. And I can't find him" My voice cracked at the end, but what I didn't expect, was her outburst.


She looked panicked, more than me. 

The person now walked up at her and I recognized him.

" Erin...? " I asked. I didn't want him near me right now. I just wanted...

She turned and faced Sakusa. " Hey, sorry to ask you this, but could you leave please? " She glanced towards me and he understood.

" fine. See you "

" Be careful on your foot! And I'll tell the coach you're not playing tomorrow. So  don't even dare try "

I watched his silhouette leave and looked at my cousin.

" I think you're going to explain everything 'Tsumu. He's not the type to do things this irrational "

I broke down on her doorstep, sobbing. " W-Where is he ? Everyone is looking for him. No one knows where h-he is. He won't answer to any of his fr-friends... " 

" Hey, calm down. I'm sure he's fine. I think I'm going to need to whole story tho- "

I sat down and she made dinner. She sat next to me and I started to talk.

" Th- This morning. We... we fought. And I said some stuff. About. About her. I know I shouldn't have. But I was so annoyed. I wasn't thinking straight "

She was silent during our whole talk and soothing my back. 

" Look, I'm sure he's fine. He's old enough to take care of himself. He's probably at a friend's house. Did you check her grave ? "

I nodded. I had. Straight after school. I'd even been late to practice for the first time. Not that Kita care. He'd just wanted to come with me.

" Yeah. And he's not at anyone's house. Everyone's looking for him. And he didn't even call you "

That was the bit that was concerning me. Erin was always the first to know, even when mum didn't. 

" Just... Sleep here for the night. I'm going to go look with the others. You're a mess. Calm down and clean up "

She slipped her shoes and jacket on, and left. I broke again. 

" Osamu, I'm sorry. I shouldn't of had mentioned her. I know how important she was "

[ Erin POV ]

' Where the fuck are you 'Samu ? " 

I needed to stop swearing. But I was too worried. He never left without telling anyone. He'd always complain about Atsumu and come to me, and we'd always be there for each other. So what's so different this time? Well, of course, I knew but... hah, he should of told me. I tried calling him, with no luck, so I left a voice message, and a text. Or like a hundred.

[kiyoomi sakusa x OC] - observantWhere stories live. Discover now