Chapter 23

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'How could I have forgotten... Inter high finals starts in a few days... '

[ 3rd POV ]

The last day had come, and Itachiyama was walking through the corridor, walking towards the court. Erin was at a vending machine in a corner, trying to calm her nerves before the game against the strongest challengers, aka her cousins team.

She noticed her Sakusa and Komori walking in her direction, and she bit her lip to prevent herself from smiling. Since her indirect confession, she was feeling jittery each time they saw each other. An idea popped in her mind and as he walked past her, she pulled him over, and gave Komori a look. 

' I'll bring him back on time ' She mouthed and he nodded.

They were now alone, and she let out a faint smile. " Ready for the game ? " 

" As much as I could ever be " He answered, but it sounded a little strained.

Putting her arms around him, she hugged the Sakusa, and started running her fingers through his hair. He relaxed at the gesture and rested his head against the wall behind him.

" I'm sure you'll win, I know you will "

He didn't answer this time, and just hugged her back. He brought his head forward and hummed against the top of her head before kissing her forehead and let her go. They heard a cough next to them and turned round to see Atsumu and Osamu looking at the two. One had his arms crossed against his chest, and the latter was smirking. He nugged someone next to him, and Erin recognized Suna, who was filming the lot. Cringing in embarrassment, she looked at the boy standing next to her.

" I'll catch up, don't worry " He nodded and left in the direction of the rest of the team, but not before glaring at the three boys.

Suna waves his phone at her, a lazy but taunting smile on his lips. " So Erin, getting some action with Sakusa-san ? " 

Not wanting to answer, or to lie either, she turned her attention to her two cousins. Osamu was still smirking at her, and Atsumu was wiping tears out of his eyes.

" You grew up so fast " She deadpanned at his comment.

" I'm a year older than you stupid banana head "

His mouth opened and closed without a sound and his twin let out a laugh. 

" So stupid 'Tsumu " He went closer to the girl and passed his arm on her shoulder. " Let's go guys, we'll be late and Kita will scold us. But I'm sure Erin won't mind telling us all about her boyfriend while we get to the court~" 

They walked through the crowded corridors, receiving stares from many people. And glares from a whole lot of Inirizaki fangirls.  

On the court, Kita sighted when he saw the twins and Suna half dragging Erin over to their team, forgetting she was the opposite one's manager. He placed a hand on their shoulders, sending them a piercing look, and straight away they lat her go. 

Erin thanked him and walked over to Komori, who was laughing at the scene. She rolled her eyes at him and smiled a little.

" Yeah yeah, you can stop laughing now you know " 

He progressively calmed down but Kiyoomi was still in a foul mood for getting interrupted.

They started warming up and the Atsumu and the ace kept sending death looks to each other.

The game started, and the tension was thick through the three sets, and the gap between them tight, but in the end, Itachiyama won the last one, resulting in the victory of this year's finals. 

When the last point was scored, Erin jumped out of her set, clapping in joy, and Kiyoomi sent her a proud smile. She ran forward and celebrated with all of them, happy for her team's win. 

No one had expected what happened next, and all of a sudden, the room was filled with another round of cheers and applause. 

Kiyoomi had leaped forward and lifted Erin up by the waist, and she placed her arms around his neck, and he kissed her. 

Her eyes widened in surprise, before closing as she kissed him back, ignoring the two teams and supporters around them. 

The rest of Itachiyama let out some whistles and teasing comments next to them while they both pulled back, pink tinting their cheeks. 

Bringing her closer, he whispered something in her ear, and she answered amused. " Is that even a question? Of course I will " 

" Yeah! get some girl ! " A cheerful voice was clearly heard behind Erin, and she turned round to see Kayano winking at her pointing her thumbs up, Bokuto and Kuroo hooting beside her, and Kenma suggestively raising an eyebrow. Others were there too, like Tendou, who was laughing at Ushijima's frowning face.

Now very aware of Kiyoomi's hands still resting on her hips, she turned red, incapable of holding back her embarrassment when she saw another person giggling behind her hand. Her aunt. She had come to see her sons game, and when she saw her dear niece getting kissed in the middle of the court, she sent a quick text to her sister letting her know the funny turn of events.

They took the bus back, the whole ride full of comments and questions towards the new couple.

While Erin avoided most of them, Sakusa answered a lot of them truthfully. 

In the end, they all fell asleep, and Kiyoomi's head rested on the girl's shoulder. She ran her hand through his soft curly hair, smiling fondly at him.

Her phone vibrated, and she saw a message from Suna. 

" Congrats on you win! It was a good game. Btw, I have a present for you ;) "

[ Attachment ]

When she opened it, she saw a picture of her and Kiyoomi kissing, the rest of the team around them.

She closed her phone and her eyes soon after. 

'I think I'm going to keep that one'

[kiyoomi sakusa x OC] - observantWhere stories live. Discover now