Chapter 7

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[ Sakusa POV ]

I could feel butterflies in my stomach as I entered the classroom, and a small smile tugging my mouth, that I forced off. 

I sat down, and sighted. After yesterday evening, I had admitted to myself that I liked Erin, but I knew it was going to be complicated. First, I needed to get used to her presence, and maybe being able to touch her. 

I felt something tug the back of my hair, and instinctively jumped. I turned round to see Erin, looking at me apologetically. " Sorry " she whispered. " You weren't listening, and if the teacher saw that, you would get told off. I cleaned my hands before, don't worry. " She smiled, amused.

" Should I believe you?" 

" just listen to the lesson, or I'll really touch you next time" I grunted at the threat.

" just try"

" You'll regret saying that~" I could feel the taunt in her voice.

~Time skip~

The lesson ended, and Erin came over and leaned onto my table, and towards me. she looked into my eyes and smirked. 

"C'mon, you've got practice..." 

She turned away, and went to the gym, leaving me a bit dumbfounded. She usually respected my personal space, but she had sounded like she was... flirting? Ok, I've gone mad from thinking to much and my brain melted.

That was more of a probability that her acting that way towards me.

I went to the gym, and saw her talking with our manager, both of them giggling, making me curious about what they were talking about. 

We went through practice smoothly, and we left the gym together, walking her back home. We were silent, and as we approached her house, she stopped. 

" Remember, when I said you were going to regret saying what you said earlier?" she asked me? 

I nodded. I did, and was now starting to regret as I saw a mischievous gleam in her eyes. She came closer to me, as I remained silent. 

She now stood on her tiptoes, and before I could react, she pecked my cheek and left, waving me good night. Blushing, I stared at the place she was, covering my mouth with my hand. 

But I didn't regret telling her to try. Nothing near that.  

[ Erin POV ]

I had no idea where the confidence came from, but I still did it. Placing a kiss on his cheek, my heart missed a beat, and  I blushed at my own actions and left, smiling. At least he knows not to challenge me.

When I turned around the corner, I noticed a figure, leaning against the wall. it looked up, and I saw Osamu.

" So, you're just friends with him?"

" You saw that didn't you?" 

" Yeah. I'm waiting for 'tsumu, we need to go back home. You're lucky he didn't see that. " he wore his usual face, but his eyes were telling me something else. 

" Lucky I didn't see what?" He magically appeared behind his twin. 

" Nothing. Erin, I think you owe me a food next time" he then dragged his brother away and left. " Come, we're going to miss the train."

I grunted. 'samu was not going to forget about this, and if ever Atsumu knew, well, actually, I would like to see him react to the news, but he wouldn't be very happy.

[kiyoomi sakusa x OC] - observantWhere stories live. Discover now