Chapter 11

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[ Ushijima POV ]

We entered the school, and I was silent, thinking about the upcoming game. As we went in their gym, my best friend who was just singing, suddenly spotted someone. 

" Hey, Miya-chan! " He waved happily" sorry- sorry Erin. I'll stop calling you that, promise " he said, when he received a dark look. I frowned, the name sounded familiar. 

I looked at her figure, and even though I couldn't recall meeting her before, her blond and brown hair swinging around her body hypnotized me. My eyes followed her while she chatted along with Tendou, and I grunted at my own actions. What was I doing? 

I tried to ignore her, and noticed one of their players, Sakusa, one of the top three. I decided to greet him, but to my surprise, he...ignored me?

" Please excuse him " I heard a feminine voice behind me, and turned to see her again. She was wearing a sort of weary face, and again, a wave of familiarity washed over me.  " We ruined his last mask earlier and he doesn't have any for the way back, or tomorrow. And he doesn't want to go buy any without one because of the germs. "  She sighted. 

I didn't answer, a bit confused, and didn't listen at the rest of her explanation, as my imagination was running wild just from looking at her talk. Tendou watched, amused from the situation in front of him, a smile on his face. It wasn't everyone who could just take Shiratorizawa's captain's attention of volleyball.

" ......basically " She finished her sentence,  when Itachiyama's libero approached " Anyways, I need to go give these to our coach. Kiyoomi, be a bit more polite"

" Polite or not, we'll still win" I heard him grunt. I raised an eyebrow. Not everyone was that confident about winning against us " I promised yesterday " Why would he do that?

She rolled her eyes at him and turned away, and I tilted my head a bit, before asking something to my friend. 

" Who's she? " 

He laughed a bit.

" She's the one who requested the game. We became friends last Inter high. I think she's also their manager now " He explained.

" Mmh, ok. What's her name? Can she play ? What does she like? " Curiosity took over me as we talked about her.

" Wakatoshi, what's with this sudden interest ? Her name is Erin Miya, and the rest, go ask yourself " He started slightly dancing, a grin spreading on his face.

I searched her and saw her just out the door, on the phone, and started walking in her direction. While Tendou was talking, that name was bugging me. I knew it, I was sure of it. That's why I'm curious. That all. I lightly shook my head, trying to clear it. 

" Wait I didn't actu- You know what, never mind..." he tried to reach out to m, but I just dogged

She was still talking and I heard a piece of her conversation, not that she was trying to hide it.

" 'Tsumu, don't you start too! I'll see you guys at the tournament , no need to pester me to come with you"

She sighted.

" Listen, I'd prefer going with Bokuto than your team if and 'Samu are both there. If I wasn't becoming Itachiyama's manager. We'll see you in the finals if you win that is. Tell the rest of Inarizaki's team we'll be waiting ! now, goodbye stupid " She sounded a bit irritated and amused at the same time

" for godness sake why- " She stopped talking when she saw me. " Oh, is the game starting already? " 

I shook my head, trying to think about what to say to her. She made me sort of... Nervous? Me? 

" No. I was wondering who you were. You seem familiar " I explained.

She snorted at me, and giggled a bit after.

" I don't think i'm the one you're thinking about. You must be thinking about my cousins " 

" Cousins? " Why would I know her cousins?

 " Yeah, I was just on the phone with them " 

" Oh. I heard. why would I know them? Are they famous? " 

She looked at me funnily. 

[ Erin POV ]

' Famous ? I hope not ' 

I just rolled my eyes at him. 

" No, I don't think so. Not any more than you I don't think. But they both play at Inarizaki. And the're twins "

He though for a bit before widening his eyes a bit.

" Oh yeah, them " He didn't seem to like them. But I didn't see why anyone would like 'Tsumu, so no big surprise here.

I honestly had no idea why Ushijima had suddenly started talking to me. Or why he didn't just ask someone else. But Tendou had said he was a bit weird. I deadpanned. Why were volleyball players all so... Particular? 

We headed back in, an awkward silence between us.

Both teams started warming up, and I noticed Sakusa taking his mask off, and walking to the setter. 

I watched him stretch, amused by the space he put between him and the others. He looked determined to win, and last night's words and actions came back to me, making me flustered inside. Of course, I tried keeping my calm, not wanting anyone to notice. My eyes followed his body, and I wanted took away. Without success.

While I was doing that, I didn't notice the game start, and when I looked up, I saw Ushijima's spike hit the floor with a terrifying noise. I jumped, startled, and the coach just looked at me, knowing the feeling.

The game went on, and I started writing down everyone's stats to help the coach, and at some point later on,  went to fill some extra water bottles for my team. 

The bottle was overflowing, and I was looking at the sky, forgetting about it. A hand came out of nowhere and closed it, and I looked to see a sweaty Kiyoomi, raising a eyebrow at me. 

" You should focus, you're wasting water "

" So-sorry. What are you doing here? Missing me~?" I teased a bit, regaining my usual expression.

He rolled his eyes at my question, avoiding it.

" It's the end of the set. I came to fill my own water bottle "

" With no bottle? " I pointed out, and he looked at his empty hand.

" Mmh maybe I was looking for you " 

His gaze held mine captive, and I didn't even try to look away. 

" Oh really now? " I unconsciously bit my lip, smirking. I approached him a little more, now resting my hand on his chest. " You shouldn't tempt me you know "

" Who said I was just tempting you? " He looked a bit more serious. ' He's so gorgeous. It should be illegal to look at someone like that too ' I internally panicked.

He finally took a step back, and walked away, leaving me a flustered mess

His back was facing the entrance, and I couldn't see anything because of his height. But the other players could see us. And from a different angle. 

On his side, Ushijima was wondering what the light tightening in his chest was about, and his mood seemed a bit off to the team. 

Tendou was by standing, knowing what was happening. The guess monster knew the last set was going to be very interesting. 

Hi everyone! Thanks for reading this. I'm so sorry for not writing the actual games, because I find it really difficult. I'll try a little maybe in the future but, yeah.  I hope all of you are healthy and stay safe <3

Ps : i just noticed my errors about the locations and everything. I'll edit this story later anyways * laughs nervously *  

And tell me... akaashi or oikawa ? I need your opinion here for.... something

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