Chapter 2

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~One week later cuz nothing interesting happened since~

It was the end of our english lesson when the teacher anouced that we were going to start group projects. 

" So, this semester, I would like each of you to pair up and do a sport presentation, in english. you will choose two sports and present the different aspects of it, like the rules, the players, the games or purpose, but also the conditions, the different skills, ect..." 

I sighted and just put my head between my arms and though for a minute, and then looked and at Sakusa. He was to picky to choose to work with anyone, and looked really annoyed. I then looked around the room, and saw most people already pairing up.

I got out of my chair and keeping a distance for his comfort, and I glanced at him. I took a breath and said :

" Hey, wanna do the thing with me?"

"no" he replied bluntly.

I knew he was gonna answer that, but i continued talking nothing less.

" Look, it's not that I want a partner either. But if I do the project with you, we will be able to make some rules to make things easier for both f us, and when this is finished, we can both go back to our businesses. I can even use hand sanatizer" I frowned,  shoving my hands in my pockets.


" ugh, fine then. I turned away, and said a last thing. If you want to finished paired up with one of your touchy-touchy fan girls, be my guest. Or someone with a strong personality, I don't know, like maybe... someone with a loud  personality like Bokuto-san" 

I knew I had hit a nerve because he paused, and didn't answer.

"...fine. Only if one of the sports is volleyball"

"sure!" as if that was even a question if you're paired up with him.

~At lunch time~

I was walking towards the cafeteria, when, I got tackled in a hug by Kayano. 

" HI!"

"Yeah, hello to you to. could you let go please?" She let go of me, lightly pouting. " How was your morning?"

" really booring. You have no idea. How 'bout you?"

" pretty good actually. Remember that volley ball player in our class last year? The one who's always freaked out about germs?"

" Mmh yeah why?"

" well I just convinced him to be my partner for the english project." I smirked, thinking about what had happened. 

"Ooh really~ " she raised an eyebrow at me " how's that good?"

I grunted. I should of known her way of thinking isn't the same as mine.

" Not what your thinking. It's just I think that it will be easier to work with him that with someone else from my class. I mean I have no plans to get friendly with the bunch of crazy weirdos girls that always talk about boys and clothes, and there's no other otaku in my class. The rest of my classmates sometimes  seem like aliens to me."

" still as nice as ever Erin" she laughed at me

" Obviously. You've got tomato sauce on you cheek" I stated.

" Oh really? Crap. " she wiped it of.

" Oh and... by the way, um..." I looked away remember something I had said earlier. " You know your hand cream think you always have in your bag? Is it also antibacterial? "

" Yeah whey?" she looked confused, then grinned. " Is it for Mr. clean and handsome grumpy volley ball hot guy?"

" No! well yes. But no. Ugh anyways, could I borrow it?" 

" Pff, sure. Here. " She took it out of her bag and gave it to me " You can keep it, I've got another one at home..."


[ Sakusa POV ]

I sat down, starting to eat my lunch quietly, when I saw half of my volley ball team enter the room. I was hoping they wouldn't see me, but no luck with that. I noticed Komori, stopping for a second, then coming towards me, a smile on his lips.

" Hi~ Mr clean and handsome. " 

I looked at him confused, while the rest of the team just looked at us, wondering what the hell this exchange was about.

" What?"

" Oh well earlier, I was walking past two girls over there, and it seems like you were their topic." 

"What? "

" Actually, they were debating about hand sanitizer or something. And then that nickname poped  out of nowhere. " 

I gave him a quizzical look.

" Ugh, whatever. Do you guys also have a english project? "

" Yeah. My partner is my the guy next to me. One of the sports we chose is volley ball, the other is tennis. And you? do you even have a partner? "

" Yeah. A girl from my class. " I answered, thinking about her. 

The whole team looked at me. " A girl?"  they all though

" Not whatever funny thing you're thinking. She's clean, and not to annoying. And agreed to put in place some rules "

" Ouch, she's going to regret saying that"

" Whatever you say..."  they answered 

~Time skip to the end of the day~ 

The bell rang, and I turned round. 

" Hey, hum, Miya ? " I said, not quite sure of her name. Then, something crossed my mind. I'm sure I knew that name. Ugh, doesn't matter, I'll think about that later. " What other sport do you wanna choose?" 

She looked at me. 

" Mmh, basketball I think. Can I have your number so that I can contact you later?"

" Yeah, K" I wrote on a paper and gave it to her. When she bent down her head to look at it, a pieve of her blond/black ( it's dyed ) hair fell, and I started to reach out, then stopped. I sighted. What was a going to do just now? She looked at me confused.

" Tired?" 

" Ah... No. Anyways, I should just go to practice now. The captain will be mad if not." 

" Yeah sure."

I started to tidy up my things, when something poped up in my mind.

" Maybe you should come to practice tomorrow, to see how the game works."

" Mmh, ok why not" she answered me.

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