Chapter 20

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[ Sakusa POV ]

I closed the door behind me, before sighting. " Sorry about my mom" 

Erin just ignored me and sat the corner of my bed, and smiled. 

" Nah, she's cool "

I don't know where you got that from...

I sat next to her and took her hand. 

" You okay ? "

She looked at one of my walls, and rested her head on my shoulder, and shrugged.

" I suppose. You helped me a lot earlier, thank you "

" I can help you again if you need it "

It was the truth. If she ever need me, even in the middle of a volleyball game, I'd still go and find her, just to know she's okay. 

She linked her fingers with mine and sighted. 

" You better keep your word Kiyoomi." She smiled while talking, and patted her head. 

" I will "
She closed her eyes and hummed.

" When do you think he'll be back ? " Erin asked me out of the blue.

Remembering something, I told her my thoughts.
" Inter High is coming soon. I don't think he'll miss that "

"Yeah" She mumbled next to me. I smiled fondly at her. Sure, I was reassuring her, so that was the only reason I was doing this, hugging her and holding her, but it gave me hope.

' Erin, I promise, once we win Inter High, I will make you my girlfriend "

I shuffled, and she looked at me. Pulling me over, I sat down against the wall near my bed, and she laid herself against me. I blushed, but my mask was covering me.

However, she noticed the tip of my ears going red and decided to have fun.

" Kiyoomi~ are you blushing by any chance ? "

I shook my head, but refused to look at her.
" Of course not "

" Mmh, really ? " Hooking her finger with my mask, she pulled it a little, smirking. " I thought so " She added, quietly laughing at me. 

Annoyed, I started poking her sides, making her yelp. She backed away, defensive, but I was at least twenty centimetres taller, and I was bigger, making it easy for me to pin her down. 

I tickled her until she was nearly crying and none of her worries would be able to reach her anymore. Looking beneath me, I saw I was straddling her. 

Leaning forward, she stopped laughing, and raised and eyebrow.  I put my weight on my elbows, watching her look at anything but my eyes. When she did, something was different. 

" So what are you going to do next ? Because it's not this that will make me blush, unlike you " She pointed out.

My competitive side took over, and I slowly took my mask off, at the same time running my hand through my hair.  

" If this won't, I'll have to find something else shouldn't I ? "

My breath tickled her neck, before I kissed it tenderly, and blew over the moist spot. She shivered under me, making me feel euphoric from the feeling I was doing this to her. 

Her phone rang twice, and she decided to sit up, her face inches from mine, making me flustered again. 

' Why does she always do this to me ? '

I shook my thoughts away, and took this as an opportunity to look at her. Her hypnotizing eyes, her long hair, black roots, and blond tips. The way her pink lips moved, and her fair skin. She titled her head, and her mouth opened in shock. The moment was gone, and my heart was calming down.

" Yes yes, I'm coming, I'll be there in ten" 

Erin turned her phone off, and slid away. Grabbing her coat, she went downstairs. She said goodbye to my mum, and put her coat on. 

" Kiyoomi, I need to go right now, sorry ! " She exclaimed, clasping her hands together. 

She opened the door, and started running, but I slipped my volleyball shoes on, and caught up. Letting out a small puff, I sighted. 

" You could have waited, I'm coming "

She smiled at me, and thanked me. We ran there, and once in front of the door, she was out of breath. Before she could reach for the handle, I asked her why she needed to be here, as no one else lived here. 

Letting out a toothy grin, that morphed into a sadistic smile, she answered me :

" Samu's back, and I'm going to kick his ass before anyone else.

[kiyoomi sakusa x OC] - observantWhere stories live. Discover now