V Love 25 -Imagination-

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Module Name: V Love 25 -Imagination-

Real Name: Janelle Valencia (the real name was TammyChan180's idea).

Nickname(s): Imagination

Date Of Birth: May 21, 1994

Age: 30

Sexuality: Lesbian

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Dog

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 145 lbs.

Designer: BUZZ

Known Relationships/Family:

Ursula Valencia/Ultimate Miku (older sister)

Amara Valencia/Vocalofuture Miku (younger sister)

Celine Valencia/Vocalonation Miku (younger sister)

Vesna Valencia/V Love 25 -Exclamation- Miku (younger sister)

Tenleigh Valencia/V Love 25 -Hearts- Miku (younger sister)

Rosemary Huntington/Train Conductor Rose (girlfriend) (May 8, 2022)

Occupation: Movie director

Specific Album: V Love 25 -Imagination-

Album Producers: 40mP, Becky, Elm, FB777, koyori, n-buna, niki, Re:nG, YASUHIRO, yukkedoluce, Ann-Melts-P, Nejishiki, Hitoshizuku-P, potential 0, Yama, Yamichro, Shigotoshite-P, & Sohta

Specific Album Anniversary: May 21, 2014

Fun Facts:

- While she is used to being pestered by Ursula most of her life, Janelle couldn't stand being left the responsibility to care for Amara.

- Janelle works as a director for entertainment films.

- When it comes to talking about her sisters, the first thing she says is that they're annoying.

- How did these friends first meet? They are all a group of performers who also work in the movie industry. While they perform in movies, they all met solely because they had the same passion, making the world smile with their actions. When Janelle got her job as a director, she found her friends when searching for people to hire for the production, so she hired everyone. Ever since they all got hired, they got along great with Janelle. It's a simple way on how they all met, but Janelle thinks that it was the best decision she had ever made. Now all of them are a team.

- Ever since Janelle was a child, she wanted to make her own movies, so she kept her head up and followed Ultimate Miku (or her real name Ursula Valencia)'s footsteps into accomplishing her goals. With her job, she draws the outline of a plot, she comes up with the actors, and finds the places to shoot.

- Janelle is quirky and fun-loving. She thinks her sisters are annoying, though.

See you guys in the next chapter!

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