Two: Good Love

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Jalyn Elisha Baxter

"Many days it goes unspoken, but this desire never seems to go away

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"Many days it goes unspoken, but this desire never seems to go away. It's gonna take much more than hope to bring you close I think I'll pray."

I chewed absently on the ink pens cap as I looked over the charts for some of my patients today. I had so much to do before I got to the part of my day that was anxiously awaiting, but I was determined to make the most of doing what I loved more than anything. Not too many people got to say that they were making a name for themselves in the biggest league of their occupation before they hit thirty years old. At twenty-eight, I was proud to be recognized as one of the most successful physical therapist in Atlanta and Georgia as a whole. I was currently in the works to take on my rehabilitation work with the Atlanta Hawks, but I also had the promise of opening my own center. The possibilities were infinite it seemed, and I refused to look as any day as a bad one or one to rush through.

With a sigh I looked over at the fresh orange Dahlias, my favorite flowers, waiting on my desk a moment with a shy upturn of my lips before deviating down at the paper work and began filing everything out before I heard a rapping at my door. I looked up from my work and let out an exaggerated pout as I leaned over the papers. Winter laughed at me as she waltz in the room and sat opposite of me.

"Windy I'm trying," I said and she gave me the eye.

"Are you really though? Bitting the pen to appear as if you were thinking is not necessarily trying. I've been here almost three hours and I'm already about to go. You've been looking at the same page all day," She pointed out. If she could see I was making no progress I was really with the shenanigans today.

Winter Fallon worked as a traveling nurse practitioner for the city. She operated here and at another renowned clinics in the city. It wasn't odd for her to make other call-in trips to various clinics as well. She was phenomenal at her job, and many people recognized it.


"Baxter," She resorted unwaveringly.

"I'm going to do it okay. I only have to fill out these charts and review the x-rays for my patients tomorrow and then I'm done- actually no I have a meeting with Dr. Anderson, and then I'm done," I noted off and she chuckled.

"Oh a meeting with Dr.Anderson eh? At what time," She asked leaning on the desk and I glared at her.

"It's literally a meeting for a patient he's referring to me. Stop it. You know I don't like that man like that," I said to her.

"Oh I know that you don't, but it doesn't mean he doesn't like you. Anything you needed to know he could've faxed over like a normal person, but no! He just has to bring his fine ass up here to see you. I just wish the poor man knew you only wanted one man that you've been too chicken to pursue," She said as she checked absently at her well done nails as I sent daggers her way.

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