Nine: When to Say When

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Marcus Katrell Daniels

"Bet you got some niggas that'll love you to the bitter end

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"Bet you got some niggas that'll love you to the bitter end..
You just need to stay close to your people
That was there when others could've been"


I let out a light groan as I woke up with my face buried into the wild spread of Jalyn's hair. I didn't know what time it was, as the curtains kept the light from outside from seeping into the room. Truthfully, I didn't even care. I was more than content with staying here tangled in the brown sheets that were scarcely flowing on top of me and Jalyn with my face buried into the sweet mixture of her hair. Her body resting easily worn out underneath mine. I sighed letting myself be wrapped in her soft oatmeal and honey scent that lingered about over me and mixing with the sweet coconut smell of her head.

Yesterday in general was an entire trip to me. I'd left going to work around my trap houses which is why I was so dressed down compared to my normal get up. Once lunch time hit, Red, Andre and I went to meet with the girls as planned. What wasn't planned was the fiery but standoffish Jalyn I encountered. We started off fine, but after I kissed her everything went swerving.

It was weird because she was with all the shit when Raven was around, but after that she started pulling away. Her answers to me where short and she was avoiding my touch. I got mad as hell though once we got in the car and she opened the door and slid her way in fast to avoid me helping her in. Jalyn knew not to do as much as think about touching a door when I was in her presence. That and the fact that I knew she was doing it all to avoid me for some reason that Invi and Winter clearly knew had me on one. I was content with biding my time, but once we got to the house without a word, my patience had worn a bit thin.

In the end, my being upset with her testing attitude had been more than worth it. Jalyn had put me under her spell a many a time since we'd been together, but that shit yesterday was different. I was seeing static and stars as she rode me. I saw my future flash before my eyes when she made me cum inside her so easily. Our future in fact. I was serious when I said that I hoped, for her sake, that her birth control held up because I was doing my damnedest to be the one percent against her birth control all evening and night long. I don't know exactly when we tapped out for good last night, but I do remember looking at my phone last at around three a.m before I went back to tearing her ass up until we fell asleep In this position we were in.

Jalyn's long moan turned into a cry as I drew completely out of her and slammed back into her as she lay flat on her stomach beneath me. I paused inside of her before I changed up my pace to a rolling grind into her tightening heat that was dripping in a slow stream out onto the bed with every roll of my hips into her. I moaned as she tightened up against me, and I pressed my fingers just a bit tighter into her sides and the deep back dimples at the base of her spine in her red, glistening skin.

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