Three: Kissing On My Tattoos

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Marcus Katrell Daniels

"I don't want nobody but you kissing on my tattoosI don't want nobody but me talking to you until you fall asleepWe better stop playing before we mess around and someone gets hurt"•••

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"I don't want nobody but you kissing on my tattoos
I don't want nobody but me talking to you until you fall asleep
We better stop playing before we mess around and someone gets hurt"

"Yes, Marcus!" Her cries rang out through my ears coming down smoothly over me like it had when she sang me into submission over my feelings. This time though instead of affecting my mind and heart, it sent my blood pulsing through my heart and my dick which was twitching in my pants in a deep primal need to satisfy her further than the depths of my mind knew I should. The way her sticky essence melted on my tongue, the way her long nails gripped my hair, the way her legs threatened to suffocate me making the pleasurable adrenaline flowing throughout me heighten, and the way that woman sang out my name had me ready to fall pray to my deepest desires.

She came helplessly over me, the seeping liquid drowning my mouth going smoothly down my throat as I swallowed every drop. I was long gone, and as she tried to come down thinking it was over, I was just starting to feast on her. I wanted more than anything to put her on her stomach and let her feel every inch of me deep in her stomach as she gripped me like a poisonous vice. I wanted to feel her nails gripping my arms as she rocked against the car. The tiger stripes on her thighs and legs trembling as she threw herself back on my dick in elevating rushing passion as she chased her release. See the white flow her arousal dripping heavily between us. Hear the pleasured flows of her screams of my name that had the power to send me into my end on their own accord. I wanted it all. I needed it, but I could wait. For now I wanted her cries on her lips as her bittersweet chocolate coated my own.

"NIGGA I KNOW YOU HEAR ME!" Redd's voice rang out snapping me clean out of my thoughts. I took a breath before shaking my head.

"I swear to God I didn't. What you say?" I said serious as a heart attack. He looked at me for a minute before laughing lightly.

"I don't know what hoo-doo that girl put on you, but I need you to come back to Earth," He said to me and I just gave him a blank look.

"She didn't put anything on me," Yes she did, "But since you insist on screaming at me, tell me what you want," I said to him plainly. He scoffed likely seeing right through me, but he said nothing further on the matter.

"I need you to finish these invoices for me. I just got a call from up north about these patrols again so imma head up to catch them while everything is fresh on folks mind. Hate to have to kill a nigga for forgetting simple shit," He said irritation clear in his voice. I nodded my head in agreement, but I still asked to make sure he didn't need my help.

"Are you sure you good to roll out there by yourself? I can do these invoices later on and come with you," I asked him, but he shook his head assuredly.

"Nah, I got it. Get that done. I'll be calling you in about thirty minutes or so with what I find out," He said and dapped me up. Once he walked out of the room I reclined back into the seat with a tired sigh. I had no clue why I was tired considering I hadn't done much of anything today except paperwork up here. It had been two days since I last saw Jalyn in person, but as my phone would tell it I had been hearing her voice or seeing her words flash across my screen at all hours of the day since our date.

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