Epilogue: Forever My Lady

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"I pray you would always stay with me"•••

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"I pray you would always stay with me"

"Jalyn you look fine. More than fine actually, but I'm trying to be a gentleman and all that fun shit," I told her honestly. She rolled her eyes at me but the upturn of her lips gave me all the inclination I needed to know I broke through her wall. Little did she seem to get that I was being more than immensely serious. But then again she may have known considering how all over her I had been since I found out she was pregnant.

Jalyn had a glow to her that was more ethereal than normal, and the way she could just light up any space she entered into without trying was hard to remain unaffected by. Her already thick and curly hair had grown into an even larger cloud on her head, and man the weight she did put on went to all the right places (much to my delight and not as much hers).

As we walked through the front lobby of the golf club that her friends had decided to host her baby shower, I couldn't help but bite my lip as I stared over her abundance of beauty. The white dress she wore hung off her shoulder and flared in the sleeves. It dipped fairly low in the front in a slight v that held her larger chest in perfect place above the makeshift fabric belt that rested underneath right above her cute bump.

At seven months, pushing on eight, her stomach was round and sat seemingly smaller than what you'd expect against her widened hips. The ass and hips this pregnancy had given her was God sent for me, and she was always whining how much I touched her even though I knew she liked it because when I didn't she had an attitude (though I had a strong theory that sometimes she was only having attitudes to get me to be rougher with her always horny ass). The lace dress was fitted around her lower body down to the middle of her calf where it flared out. I let her wear her heels today in peace once I checked the height and put a time limit on how long she could have them on, and she looked amazing.

"Marcus, stop staring at my ass and walk!" She said and I blinked at her with a smirk.

"Keep that same energy when you try to sneak off later nasty ass girl," I said and she pushed my shoulder smacking her lips together before turning to walk off. I laughed while I reached out and tugged her hand seeing that she didn't really go anywhere. I smiled as I reached down and pulled one of her bouncing curls and watching it bounce back into place while she just gave me a bored look. "I'm sorry. I just like looking at your gorgeous self all the time. You know I do," I said honestly watching her made up face still manage to tinge red with her neck.

"Whatever. Thank you, though ," She said shyly and I carefully kissed her knowing I couldn't do much because God-forbid I did anything to mess up her brown glossed lipstick. Much to my surprise however, she took my beard in her hands deepening the kiss, and I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me. When she opened her mouth and ran her tongue over my lips, I may have blanked a moment as I heard her soft moan as I took her tongue in my mouth. I walked us back into the wall and turned gently pushed her into the wall not really breaking from her.

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