The Matrimony

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Jalyn Elisha Baxter

If there's a question of my heart, you've got itIt don't belong to anyone but you

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If there's a question of my heart, you've got it
It don't belong to anyone but you.
If there's a question of my love, you've got it
Baby don't worry, I've got plans for you


I was crying up a storm as I sat on the balcony of the hotel. The tears where flooding down my face as light hiccups escaped past my lips in odd intervals that made it impossible for me to time them in an effort to stop. I didn't know where to begin in order to find the lever that shut all of this mess off, and that only added to the tidal wave that had washed itself over me in the last ten to fifteen minutes.

The door was locked and my phone was inside the room blaring away softly on the other side of the thick glass door that separated me from the stupid device. I took a deep breath as I brought my knees to my chest and rested my forehead on top of them as I rocked lightly trying to find the wherewithal to hum myself into a peace of mind that would calm me down, but boy was it hard. The last I checked, I had about five to six more hours to go before I became Mrs. Marcus Katrell Daniels, and here I was on the balcony crying like a damned idiot. Hell, I was crying like my own child who at nine months didn't even half way cry. He was the most nonchalant baby in existence, and here was his mother in a raging despair that amplified at the thought of him.

I should be so happy right now. I should be in there getting my makeup together, dancing with my bridesmaids, and enjoying my last few minutes of legally being a Baxter. Yet and still, every dam within me seemed to have broken once I looked at the time when Invi and Winter left out of the room to go and bring up the makeup team and some more drinks and extras from the bar.

The last seventy-two hours for me had been spent around other people. From the time Invi, Winter, Kashera, Brooklyn, and Katerina showed up and all but dragged me kicking and screaming from my house to take me on a day long adventure of pampering and shopping to bachelorette activities that had me blushing like a madmen, I was in a pre-marital bliss. I got to have a few hours with my Khari bear: my handsome squishy faced little boy who looked everything like his father and nothing like me smothering him with kisses and songs and my phone as I took pictures with him and our Granny. Then I got to spend a few hours with the amazing man I was supposed to be marrying. I was on top of the world as I got carried away (a lot more willingly that time) to the hotel with Invi and Winter as we got wine drunk and watched romantic comedies and laughed about how we were soon to be two women out of the game officially with one to go as we waited on Winter and Clementine to take a leap that was almost three years in the making.

But the moment they left me, and I had time to sit with the weight of the gravity shifting itself around me I completely fell apart. So many things where amiss and I wanted off of this hellish roller coaster I was suddenly thrown on.

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