Eight: Water

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Jalyn Elisha Baxter

"God damn, I wanna undress youI wanna impress you, but I ain't gone stress you I wanna undo the things I said before"

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"God damn, I wanna undress you
I wanna impress you, but I ain't gone stress you
I wanna undo the things I said before"


"Granny!" I called out as I walked into the quaint little house that say up on the small hill on the quiet street. The once rambunctious streets of our neighborhood that used to house crazy kids, and a few trouble makers was now quiet and lingering with more middle-age to elderly families with no kids running in and out of the house to terrorize the neighborhood. Closing the screen door on the side of the house where we came in at, I eased into the kitchen.

"In the living room. I'm coming back in there though!" She called out in her soft yet still strong voice making me smile. When she came waltzing into the kitchen I smiled as I sat her Walgreens bag on the table in front of her seat where she liked to sit. The kitchen TV tucked in the corner was on and the stories were playing on them like clockwork. She waltzed into the room smiling and dressed in her flowing yellow dress that grazed atop the ground in a graceful succession. Her matching yellow jewelry shined in the natural lighting of the room and her fresh curls fell down over her shoulders.

"Hey my baby how are you doing? I wasn't expecting you today," She said with a smile as she wrapped me up in a hug that I warmly accepted.

"I know, but I was thinking about you and I wanted to come and check up on you. I called you yesterday and you just didn't answer the phone," I noted with a side eye.

"Well, I was at the casino and you were not about to disrupt my slot machines girl. It's not like you were that bored," She said with a smirk.

"And why wouldn't I be that bored miss ma'am?" I teased leaning on the counter.

"Because you been shacked up with my son in law getting your not-so-little ass getting worn out," She said and my eyes widened before I began choking on air as she laughed. When I finally came to I couldn't do anything but blush.

Josephine Annabelle Baxter always had been and always would speak her mind unfiltered and unapologetically at all times. I'd never known her to be any other way. Sometimes it proved to be more than amusing, but sometimes it could embarrass the hell out of you like it was doing right now.

"Granny why would you say that!"

"It's the truth ain't it? So why wouldn't I. Listen child I don't blame you. Before y'all stopped playing games or whatever the kids say, I'd watch that man cut the grass and think if my grandchild don't want that, I'll get him. Just fine as hell for no reason," She said shaking her head with a far away look on her face as my jaw simply dropped.

"So you were checking out my man? Really? Where is the loyalty?" I said in fake disbelief because I could truly believe that she did it. In fact I was more than sure that she still did. Josephine loved her some Marcus, and whenever he was around she acted as if I didn't exist. It was fine though because she got along with Marcus more than she ever had any of my other boyfriends by leaps and bounds, and Marcus absolutely adored her as well. Even if that getting along was because she was taken by how sexy that man was.

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