Chapter 3

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The Sheriff's car ran out of fuel so Rick grabbed the bag of guns from the back while you grabbed the fuel can and the two of you took off on foot in search of a gas station or any cars that you could siphon fuel out of.

You walked for what felt like forever before Rick suddenly stopped dead in his tracks and you nearly walked into the back of him.

"There's a horse." Rick whispered.

You frowned, looking at Rick to find him staring at something in the distance.

You followed his line of sight, spotting a brown horse inside a small yard behind a house on the side of the road.

Okay, so what? It was just a horse, why was he so intrigued with the.... suddenly it clicked. He wanted to ride the horse. Oh, hell no.

"I am not riding the horse."

Rick ignored you as he walked over to the small shed and grabbed what looked to be rope before he began walking towards the horse yard.

"We got no fuel. It's either this or walk to the city." Rick responded over his shoulder and you sighed.

There was no way you could walk that distance before dark. This was the only way and you both knew it, although Rick seemed to be enjoying this way to much as opened the gate and walked into the yard.

He handed you his Sheriffs hat causing you to scoff because like hell he'd be able to catch this horse. But, you didn't say anything, taking his hat as you leant against the fence and watched in amusement as Rick began walking towards the large animal, talking to it quietly.

To your shock, Rick actually got the horse and before you knew it he had it saddled up and was sitting on top as you stood beside him with the bag of guns thrown over your shoulder.

"Do you know what you're doing?" You asked hesitantly and Rick simply nodded, holding his hand out towards you and you sighed, taking his hand before climbing onto the back of the horse. "If I fall off I'm taking you with me."

"Let's go easy, okay? I haven't done this for years." Rick said gently to the horse causing your jaw to drop.

Rick glanced over his shoulder towards you almost as if he knew what you were about to say as you shook your head at him causing him to chuckle before he focused back on what he was doing.

Despite being terrified of falling off, the ride went surprisingly quickly because before you knew it you were trotting down the Highway and into the city, taking in all the broken down vehicles on the other side of the road, all backed up for miles completely abandon.

As you trekked through the city you spotted a few walkers stumbling down the side streets, but there was only a few of them, so you didn't worry about them as you continued riding through the city.

You spotted an army tank on the side of the road, a dead body lying on top that was being picked at by a couple of crows.

You looked away, your eyes scanning the area before suddenly Rick yanked the horses rains causing it to take off down the street. You quickly grabbed onto Rick almost falling off the back of the horse as Rick said something about seeing a helicopter, but before you had a chance to ask if you heard him correctly the horse turned the corner and you came face to face with a herd of walkers.

"Shit." You gasped as Rick turned the horse around, but it was too late, there was another herd before you, you were trapped.

You frantically looked around, trying to find a way out of it, but all you could see were the walkers surrounding you and before you knew it, the horse reared up and you and Rick hit the ground.

Broken Trust ( Daryl Dixon x Shane Walsh's!Sister Reader )Where stories live. Discover now