Chapter 12

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"Look here boys, we got a new chick in town!" A male voice called out the second you walked into the local bar.

You had only just gotten to town after the long drive from King County.

It was hard to leave your brother and Rick behind, but working in the undercover unit had been your ultimate dream and you couldn't pass up this opportunity, no matter how crappy this redneck town seemed.

You didn't have to start working until next week. But, you wanted to start to get to know the locals and try figure out who was associated with the Plungers gang. What better place to find gang members than the local bar?

Your eyes scanned the area taking in all the doors and exit points out of habit before you sat down at the far end of the bar with your back to the wall, watching everyone.

There was a group of teenagers playing darts at the far end of the bar who you didn't pay much attention to, they wouldn't be mixed up with the gang. You didn't really pay attention to the few people sitting at the various tables and booths, eating and talking.

However, what did catch your attention was the group of men all standing around, drinking and playing pool together.

You instantly recognised a few of their faces from the documents you had gotten from your new Sergeant. This group was definitely associated of Plunders gang, but you just had to figure out how close they were.

The bartender put down a glass of coke in front of you and you thanked her before she moved on, making more drinks for others. You sat at the bar for nearly 10 minutes, trying to ignore all the looks you were getting from the group by the pool table.

A small part of yourself was worried that they had somehow figured out that you were a cop, but realistically you knew that was impossible.

They were just staring at you because you were new and by the look of this shitty town, they didn't get many new visitors.

"Ya ain't from 'round here are ya?" A male voice suddenly questioned.

You looked to your left to find a man taking a seat beside you and you quickly realised he had come from the group by the pool table.

He didn't look like the rest though, he was younger the others and had short dirty blonde hair, but was wearing the same leather vest as the rest of them. But, you knew he had angle wings sewn onto the back of his from when you were watching them earlier while the others were just plain vests. Were the wings meant to mean something?

"That obvious?" You asked and the man just nodded, not bothering to respond with words causing you to chuckle as you took a sip of your drink.

The man didn't say anything after that as he ordered another bottle of beer and just sat there fiddling with his bottle.

You couldn't figure out why he had come and sat next to you, especially since he wasn't talking or trying to make a move on you. There were plenty of other seats along the bar that were free, why'd he pick the one right beside you?

You kept an eye on the mysterious man beside you out the corner of your eye as he sat there while you pulled out your phone and figured you should probably reply to your brothers text message that he had sent you over an hour ago.

Shane- 'u there yet? Rick wants to know if you've arrested any drug dealers?'

You- 'I doubt it was Rick who wants to know that and no I haven't. Technically I don't start work until next week.'

You put your phone down on the bar, taking another sip of your coke before your phone buzzed again.

Shane- 'That's boring.'

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