Chapter 29

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You slowly wandered around the prison, trying your best not to limp as you got to know the area. The cellblock, the kitchen area, the showers and the courtyard out the front.

Most of the group were outside, building up the place before the Governor attacked. Although you wanted to help, you knew it was better if you stayed out the way in your condition.

You ended up sitting at one of the picnic tables with Carl and Sophia. The kids told you everything that had happened while you were gone. Maggie had already told you most of it, but you enjoyed listening to them talk and it took your mind away from the Governor.

"Hey, Y/N. Have you seen Judith yet?" Beth's voice called out.

She was walking out the prison with a baby cradled in her arms and your jaw dropped. Maggie and Carl had told you about Judith, but you hadn't seen her yet.

"Aunty Y/N, meet your niece." Carl said excitedly as he rushed over to Beth who handed his baby sister to him before they both walked over to you and you couldn't stop the smile forming on your face as Carl sat down beside you, giving you a proper look at the little girl.

"She's so small." You whispered, staring at the little girl asleep in Carl's arms.

She was tiny, smaller than what Carl was when he was her age, but this little girl was probably half Shane, not half Rick, but you were not about to say that in front of Carl.

"Was I this small once?" Carl asked curiously, glancing up at you with big puppy dog eyes and you nodded.

"You sure were. It feels like yesterday when I first held you in that hospital room. You wouldn't stop crying either, you were very annoying, but luckily you were cute."

The kids all laughed, but their laughter was instantly cut short when a gunshot cracked through the air. The next thing you heard was Carol scream and you looked up just in time to find Axel falling to the ground beside her with a bullet hole through his forehead.

For a moment, everyone was frozen in shock before your police instincts kicked into action.

There was a shooter out in the woods somewhere with a good enough scope on their gun to get a headshot.

"Carl, Sophia, Beth, get Judith inside now!" You instructed, jumping up from your seat, despite the pain it caused your healing body.

You pulled your handgun from your holster just as more gunshot filled the air. Bullets began to spray around the courtyard, hitting the ground and walls around you.

"Run!" You shouted, ushering the kids towards the door as you used your body to cover them from the rain of bullets.

Once the kids were through the door, you slammed it shut behind them and spun around, your eyes frantically scanning the area. There was a truck outside the prison, you couldn't quite see who or where the people where, but they were out there somewhere as bullets continued to rain down through the courtyard.

"Carol, use Axel's body as a shield!" You yelled, spotting Carol lying on the ground in pure panic beside Axels dead body.

Shit, she was lying out in the open, if she didn't listen to you she was dead.

"Carol!" You shouted again and to your relief she began to drag the body towards her before laying down behind it.

You quickly scanned the rest of the courtyard, trying to figure out where the rest of the group was before you spotted one of the Governors men in the watch tower. How the hell did he get up there without anyone seeing him?

Without hesitation, you sprinted across the courtyard as fast as you could despite your injuries before you dropped to your knees behind one of the picnic tables. You double checked the chamber of your handgun, relieved that you had left it loaded before leaning your forearms on the metal frame to steady your aim. You lined the man in the watch tower up with your sights and squeezed the trigger.

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