Chapter 27

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TW- there's a lot of violence and torture in this chapter. Also heavily implied reference to sexual assault, but it is not in detail. 


You weren't too sure when the Governor had traded the knuckle dusters for a knife, time started to blur together.

You were pretty sure you now had a concussion after so many hits to the head, but that was the furthest thing from your mind right now since there was now a knife sticking out your shoulder.

When did the knife even get there?

"Scream for me." The Governor whispered, but you just kept your mouth pressed shut. "Fine, we will do this the hard way. But, one way or another I will get you to scream."

He yanked the knife out your shoulder and sliced the blade along the triceps of the same arm.

You squeezed your eyes shut in pain, but refused to scream. You were not going to give that satisfaction.

Blood slowly trickled from your arm and down the side of your body. Without even looking you knew the side of your uniform shirt was slowly turning red.

You kept your eyes closed while he did the same to your other arm before he started undoing the buttons to your Deputy shirt shirt causing your eyes to snap open to find him now standing with his back to you as he put the knife down on the table and picked up another object.

It was hard to see what knew weapon he had picked up, his body blocking your view. But, before he had a chance to turn around and no doubt use the weapon on you, there was a sudden knock on the door.

The Governor put down whatever he had just grabbed and walked over to the door. For a moment, you had a small ounce of hope that it was Merle and that he had come to help you, but as the Governor moved to the side you realised it wasn't him. It was one of his other men.

"Merle's back. He didn't find Michonne, but he's got a man and woman tied up." The new guy explained.

You sighed with relief hearing that Michonne was still safe, but who were these people Merle had grabbed?

"Thank you, Martinez. I want you to deal with Y/N while I got talk to Merle." The Governor replied and the man -Martinez- nodded, stepping to the side letting the Governor walk out before he shut the door behind his boss and turned around to face you.

The man didn't say anything as his eyes scanned your body, taking in all the cuts and bruises, but you didn't miss how his eyes hovered over your chest and stomach that were exposed through your now open shirt.

You watched Martinez cautiously as he slowly walked towards the table, his eyes looking away from you and scanning the wooden table that was just covered in objects you could barely see, which was probably a good thing.

He stopped in front of the table for a moment, clearly trying to figure out what to pick before he grabbed something to the left and your eyes widened taking in the black whip in his hands.

You've got to be fucking kidding.

"I don't want to do this. You're Merle's friend and he would kill me if he found out. But, the Governor will kill me if I don't this."

A small part of you understood and felt bad for the guy as he walked around the table until he standing in front of you.

"Just get it over with." You muttered, lowering your head not wanting to see and anticipate the cuts the whip will cause and not a second later the whip cracked, slicing skin across your stomach.


You must have passed out because when you opened your eyes, the room was empty. No sign of the Governor or Martinez anywhere.

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