Chapter 33

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You ran to the other side of the shed, ducking down behind some old tractor. You raised your gun and aimed towards the door and not a second later the door was kicked open and the Governors men rushed in as you pulled the trigger.

In a matter of seconds the men were dead, but you knew there was more of them. Why wouldn't they all come after you? The Governor wanted you dead, you had killed his daughter, he wouldn't give you the chance to get away, so why didn't he send all his men after you?

You were cut off from your thoughts when the front door to the shed slammed open and you mentally cursed yourself for not thinking that far ahead. They had went around the shed and used the other door to sneak up on you. Son of a bitch.

You quickly spun around raising your gun and took down two of the five men before the all too familiar click filled the air and you groaned in frustration. You didn't have enough time to change magazines, instead you holstered your gun and pulled out your pepper spray from the pouch on your belt.

Without hesitation you quickly stood up and sprayed the men running towards you and you watched in amusement as the three of them instantly dropped to the ground with pained screams.

Pepper spray stung like a bitch. You had to be sprayed with it when you were training at the academy so you knew what it would feel like if you accidently got sprayed in the field and that was not fun.

You put your spray back in the pouch and began to reach for your gun to load in a new magazine into, but you didn't get a chance before someone suddenly tackled you from behind.

You hit the ground with a thud and you forced yourself not to scream when you landed on your stomach, your ribs exploding in pain. Whoever tackled you, you rolled your over onto your back and you came face to face with the Governor before he slammed his boot down against the side of your face.

For a moment, you thought you were going to pass out.

Black dots started to cloud your vision, but you forced them away and you stared up at the Governor who standing above you. What was left of his men were still rolling around on the ground a few metres away from the spray, leaving just you and him.

"Just get it over with." You spat, your eyes still trying to focus as you felt blood trickling down the side of your face, the boot reopening some of the stitches.

"Not yet." The Governor responded, grabbing the front of your shirt and pulling you to your feet before he pinned you against the wall and pulled out a knife, holding it against your throat. "Looks like your wounds are starting to heal, I think we'll change that." He added, lowering the knife from your throat before he dug the blade into your left shoulder, reopening the stab wound causing you to scream.

Merle was sneaking into the shed while the Governor was distracted. The eldest Dixon pulled out his silenced pistol, shooting the five guys on the ground silencing them in an instant, but suddenly the Governor froze in front of you and you realised that he noticed his men weren't crying anymore. Shit.

You watched as the Governor pulled out his own handgun and slowly turned around.

Acting quickly, you grabbed his arm and tried to get him to drop the gun, but he just elbowed you in the face, knocking you to floor before he turned around to find Merle standing above his now dead men.

"Merle!" You screamed, catching the older Dixons attention.

Merle quickly spun around, but it was too late. The Governor had pulled the trigger and all you could do was watch Merle staggered back, his hand going to his stomach as blood started to seep through the front of his shirt before he fell to the floor.

Broken Trust ( Daryl Dixon x Shane Walsh's!Sister Reader )Where stories live. Discover now