Dragon Books and Vampire Boys.

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Penny kicks the door open and slams it shut with her arms full. She walks over to the couch and drops her bags before pulling her shoes off. She huffs and plops down on the couch. Bad day I guess. I place my sandwhich down on my plate, eyeing it before I wipe my hands on my trousers and turn to her. 

"Bad day?" I ask. She gets up off the couch and stomps over to me. She puts her hands on her hips and frowns.

"My English Literature professer told the class that we are having an exam tomorrow. He said that he forgot to tell us last week! So now I have to spend the rest of my night studying instead of hanging out with you or Shep." She takes my sandwich and takes a bite. I don't mind. "And I have to go to the library to get some books so I can study. I swear! My professor doesn't provide us with any materials. Oh, and I have to return some books too." She sighs and finishes the rest of my sandwich. "Wanna come with?"

I smile at her, "Sure, but what about Shep?"

"He's working," she waves her hand in the air and dissmisses the conversation. "I have to get my books. Get ready."

I jump up from the kitchen island and grab my jacket off the couch. Penelope comes out of her room with a stack of books in her arms. She drops them into her bag and grabs her shoes off the ground where she flung them.

We get to the library and I follow Penny in. She heads over to the book checkout counter and slams down her book bag, getting some glares. She turns to me, "Simon you don't have to follow me. You can go wander the place. Oh, there's a cafe in the back." And with that I smile and head off to find the cafe.

I walk through aisles, walls of books towering over me. A book catches my eye and I stop to grab it off the shelf. A dragon is embroidered onto the cover and fire spit from it's mouth, the title reading English Dragons, 16th century. I can tell that it's old. The spine is almost ripped of and there's a nasty stain on the cover.

"Interested in England's dragons?" A deep, sweet voice asks from my left. I look over and see a tall, vampire looking man with silky black hair with a widow's peak. His eyes are grey and he's pale as ever. What a cliche vampire. He has a stack of books in his arms and his nametag reads Basil. What kind of evil name is that? When I don't respond he says, "I wouldn't waste your time reading that one," His voice turns venomous and points to the book in my hands and shakes his head.

I glare at him, "And you know better?" I shoot at him.

He scoffs, "in a matter of fact, I do. I am the one who works here," he hisses at me. I don't know why but my cheeks turn hot and he smirks. I glare at him, "That's a fake. Coppied in 1605 by Arwin Costance." I stare at him and he sneers at me ad rolls his eyes. Why does he have to be mean? I'm just looking around. "This one," he says, flipping the hair out of his face perfectly, grabbing a book off the shelf, "this is the original. Published in 1601, January 5th," the title says Dragons of England, "by Arnold Forster." He sneers again and places the book back on the shelf. He turns swiftly and leaves me standing, strideing perfectly down the aisle.

I try to shake his face and voice out of my head. Basil. What a prick. I clench my fist at my side, trying to control my anger. Is he like that with everyone? Or only me because I just grabed a coppied book off the shelf? I shake my head and leave the aisle to head back to the front of the library to find Penny. When I find, her she looks surprised.

"Wow, Simon. What got under your skin?" She smiles a bit and I huff.

"Some jerk librarian. Basil. Ugh, I grabed a book off the shelf and he literally dissed me for looking at the book! He yapped all about this book and he was sneering at me the whole time! Like, dude! What did I do to get you so pissed at me? His hair, I swear he's a vampire Penny, he has a widow's peak. His eyes too, they're grey and ugh! He's literally perfect and I hate it! Then he turned and walked perfectly away like nothing happened!" I don't realise that I'm still holding the book in my hand, so I set it on the bench closest to me. When I turn bak to Penny she's trying to hide a smile. "What!?" I say.

"Oh, nothing Simon. Just, you were really specific with your choice of words." She smiles again and turns away.

"No," I say, "He's a prick and he's so annoying." I huff and think about how I never want to see him ever again.

"You know, you shouldn't be so negative. You barely met him and Baz is really nice. He's really fucking smart too. He's in my Politics class." We start heading toward the door and I stop in my tracks.

"You know him!" I can't believe Penny know's him. She sad he was nice. HA! Fat chance.

"Yeah, haven't I told you about him before? He's here all the time."

"Well obviously! I just ran into him! Seriously, why does he have to be so perfect. Knowing everything. Ruthless twat." I imideatly regret saying what I just said the moment it came out of my mouth. Perfect? Ruthless? No. I do NOT think he's perfect.

"Hm." Penny squints.

Let's just get out of here?" I say. "Don't you have an exam to study for?" She frowns.

"Don't remind me." She rolls her eyes and it reminds me of the way Baz rolled his eyes at me. 

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