Whose Number?

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Summary: Baz finds the number in the book Penny droped off for him.

Notes: This is a nice short one. Not alot in it, but it's something. Next chapter comming right after this! I mean it. I am posting back to back baby! xx- Anna


     I stack books. I help patrons. I rearrange book shelves. I help a woman find her daughter who wandered away. I stack more books. I go to the back and sort the new monthly book orders. I stack more books.

     I think I like working at the library because it's calming. And I always come across a book about history or about politicians of the last 1700s. I like to help people find what they're looking for. I'm good at my job and I wouldn't want any other one.

     Except now I'm getting second thoughts. Because Penelope Bunce comes by and ruins my already, perfectly ruined day. The one day I didn't want to see her, she shows her face at the library and talks her face off. At least she left. But she left a book behind. She left all her books behind....

     My break starts and I make my way to the back, with the book in my hand. I sit down on a spinny chair, running my fingers over the cover. Politics. I've read this book before. Not long ago. I sigh, and turn the book over, reading the back. I flip the cover open and a small piece of paper slips out, falling to the ground. I pick it up, expecting to be forgotten notes left behind.

     It's not. It's a number. And there's a note. Text this number... ;) -Penny. Of course it's Bunce. I wonder what she's up to. Actually, I don't wonder, I know. Stupid Snow. Of course she's trying to make me text him.... But maybe this isn't Snow's number... I grab my phone and text Bunce.

Message: Bunce

2:05 pm [Baz]
Bunce whose number is this?

2:05 pm [Bunce]
A professor's....

2:05 pm [Baz]
I have a hard time believing that Bunce. Whose number is it?

2:06 pm [Bunce]
fine! Its not a professor's, its Agatha Wellbelove's. She told me to give her your number bc she likes you. Merlin, so paranoid.

2:06 pm [Baz]
I'm sorry, who?

2:06 pm [Bunce]
The girl at the cafe that day. The pretty blond

2:06 pm [Baz]
Ah, yes, I remember her. Sort of. She wants my number?

2:07 pm [Bunce]
Yeah, she obviously likes you... unless you have eyes for a certain someone..... ;)

2:07 pm [Baz]
Shut up. I have to go...

2:07 pm [Bunce]
;) sure basil

I put the number in my contacts, leaving the name as Bunce's friend. I guess I'll message Wellbelove after work. She is pretty, there's no doubt, but I'm not sexually attracted to women. What can I say? I'm gay. And in love with the most stupid dork in all of Britian I'm sure. Why is that my type? Why does Simon bloody Snow have to be my type? Of all types! Crowley. 

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