Simon bloody Snow

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Summary: Baz texts Agatha. It's Agatha, right?

Notes: So this was suppoooosed to be pulished yesterday but whateverrrrr. Enjoy!


          I plop down on my bed and grab my phone, pulling out Wellbelove's message. I'm only doing this for Bunce.... right?

4:23 pm [unknown]
Bunce told me to message you so here I am.

4:23 pm [Bunce's friend]
Uhh who is this?

4:23 pm [Bunce's friend]
penny told you to text me?

4:24 pm [unknown]
Yes, Bunce told me to text you. You told her to give her my number.

4:24 pm [Bunce's friend]
Uh, sorry mate, you got the wrong numer.

4:24 pm [unknown]
Then who is this?

4:24 pm [Bunce's friend]
It's Simon Snow. Do I know you?

4:27 pm [Bunce's friend]
Uh, hello?

4:27 pm [unknown]

4:27 pm [Bloody Snow]
Yeah, people call me Simon tho...

4:27 pm [Bloody Snow]
waitt! Jhgfdh. who is thus? Nobody calls me Snow..... -_-

4:28 pm [unknown]
It's Baz Pitch, you git.

4:28 pm [Bloody Snow]
Lkjhgfdfg. R u kidding me? Geez, ur such an arse. >:(

4:28 pm [Perfect B. Pitch]
Thanks for informing me Snow.

4:28 pm [Bloody Snow]
Rude. its Simon.

4:29 pm [Perfect B. Pitch]
I don't know if you're small brain wondered this, but why do you think Bunce told me to text you?

4:29 pm [Bloody Snow]
wow, so rude... idk. Why DID penny tell u to text me? Ur the one who thought i was aggie

4:29 pm [Perfect B. Pitch]
Why do you think I asked you the question? How stupid can you be? Bunce told me that you were Wellelove. She said she wanted my number.

4:29 pm [Bloody Snow]
>:( bully. Im not Agatha.

4:30 pm [Perfect B. Pitch]
Thanks Mr. Obvious, I couldn't tell.

4:30 pm [Bloody Snow]
aperently you couldn't bc u thot i was a girl.

4:30 pm [Perfect B. Pitch]
Because that's what Bunce told me!

4:30 pm [Bloody Snow]
why do u call her bunce? Its Penelope

4:30 pm [Perfect B Pitch]
Bunce is her name, idiot.

4:30 pm [Bloody Snow]
hEyy. Insultssss. RuDe

4:31 pm [Perfect B. Pitch]
I'm sorry, I don't understand your kind.

4:31 pm [Bloody Snow]
And what is My KiNd?

4:31 pm [Perfect B. Pitch]
Idiot. But you obviously didn't know that because you're an idiot. So,

4:31 pm [Bloody Snow]
HeY. I brought that on mysefl didnt i? StiLl ruDe >:(

4:32 pm [Perfect B. Pitch]
You did.

4:32 pm [Bloody Snow]
Why do u hate me so much? What did i do to make u hate me.

4:32 pm [Perfect B. Pitch]
Why not? Last I recall, you were being a right git to me first time we met. And the second time.......

4:32 pm [Bloody Snow]
I waS noT! kjhgfdf You were a jerk to mE!

4:33 pm [Perfect B. Pitch]
What an excuse coming from the boy who was trying to give me a death glare.

4:33 pm [Bloody Snow]
ajshgfuejfbvxer. I'm leaving. Ur being a prick.

4:33 pm [Bloody Snow]
I hate you jsyk. I hate you so muhc.

4:33 pm [Bloody Snow]
ur a complete wanker and everybody knows it. u hate the world and the world hates you -_-

4:33 pm [Perfect B. Pitch]
Thank you for letting me know how much you hate me! But if I heard correctly, that sounded like a cover up for something more?? Are you hiding something Snow? Feelings perhaps?

4:34 pm [Bloody Snow]
Kjhgfdfghj i. nO...nonoNnoOnO. kjhgfdty wtf!

4:34 pm [Perfect B. Pitch]
Getting flustered Snow?

4:34 pm [Bloody Snow]

kjhgfdfgh. Oh shut up baz. Ur a right arse.

4:34 pm [Perfect B. Pitch]
I believe I heard my arse is right....?

4:35 pm [Bloody Snow]
SHUDDUP! Im leaving. Dont ever talk to me again

4:35 pm [Perfect B. Pitch]
My pleasure.

4:35 pm [Bloody Snow]

         So Snow hates me. That's nothing new. He can't even spell correctly, it's disgraceful if I'm being honest. And do not even get me started on his grammar. He's a mess. And I think I made him hate me more.... That's okay. I don't need Snow to be happy. I just texted him and I'm buzzing from head to toe.... I need to drink. It's been too long. When did I last drink?

         Simon Snow managed to get flustered in a text message. How. How am I attracted to this imbecile? How? What gay gods cast this spell on me? I made Simon Snow fluster.... Does that mean he likes me? No. No it does not. He was just embarrassed. But why would he be embarrassed? Because he's Simon bloody Snow! That's why! Crowley. He said he's never going to text me again. Actually, he said that I should never talk to him again.... 

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