Party Rockers! Part. 3

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Summary: Baz, Dev and Niall get drunk! Baz jumps off a counter? And- he texts -Simon?



We get to my flat and I push the door open with one arm, while the other is proping Dev up so he doesn't fall, and isn't that just what he does. He falls flat on his face, bringing Niall down with him and almost ripping my arm off, with a loud smack when his head his the ground. Shit Dev. He's going to have a nasty headache tomorrow. Maybe even a concussion. Shit. I rush over to him and smack Niall's arm to get him to help me bring Dev to the sofa. 

"Make sure he doesn't fall asleep," I hiss at him. "I'm getting him water." Niall nods and slaps Dev in the face to get him to wake up. "Not like that you idiot!" It's hard to surpress my lauhter, considering he just slapped my cousin in the face, but I remember that Dev might have a concussion, so I glare at Niall. He shrugs and turns back to Dev. "He might have a concussion, you dolt!" I run to the kitchen, stumbling over my feet, still not completely sober. I grab a glass and turn the tap on. 

I get to Dev and his eye are glazed. Niall slaps him on the face again. I slap Niall, glaring at him.

"It works!" He groans, rubbing his arm where I slapped him. "See!" I turn to Dev and shove the glass into his hands. He looks at it like he doesn't know what it is. Niall grabs it from him and puts it to Dev's mouth. Dev opens his mouth and Niall pours the water all over his face. He starts choking and Niall starts laughing his face off. My sofa! These arseholes. 

I grab the glass out of Niall's sticky fingers and slowly bring it to Dev's face. He opens and I slowly pour the rest of the water into his mouth. "Does your head hurt mate?" I ask him.

"Nope! No no no no! I am alllll good!" He shakes his head rapidly and I sigh, giving up on him. If he can shake his head violently and not get dissy, then I trust that he's fine. 

We lay Dev on the coutch and I tell Niall to undress him. He does, droping his clothes into a pile on the floor before wraping a blanket around him, dropping a kiss on his forehead. I sit on the far end of the coutch, being grateful that I have a L-shaped coutch. Fiona says its exessive for it to be in a flat. Niall looks at me and I glare back at him, setting my on glass down on the coffee table. 

He sits by Dev's feet, reaching for my water. He takes a sip. I remind myself not to drink out of it later. 

I let myself get lost in my memories of Snow, because I'm still partially drunk and no one is stopping me. 

Blue eyes. Bronze curls. Fucking moles and freckles. 

"You look like shit," Niall says from beside me. I glare at him. "Like, you look super depressed." His eyes roam my flat and land on something, causing his eyes to light up. "I know just thing. Don't worry mate." Now I'm worried. But I'm too drunk to care. He gets up and I hear clinking of glasses. He come back to the coutch, holding my favorite wine bottle that I drink when I just finished an exam and am feeling like I need to reward myself with  getting drunk in my flat. By myself. All alone. Shit I'm a wreck. Niall pours way too much wine in both glasses and hands me one.

"You need something to drink." He says, grining at me, taking a big gulp.

"I just went out to get drunk, I drank too much, found you two making out," I gesture to Dev, "I do not think I need any more alcohol in my system, thanks."

"Baz. You're a depressed gay who needs to let go." I decide he's right so I take a sip. I sip again. And again. Pretty soon Niall is filling my glass again.

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