Sounds like a plan!

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There is something about the way Simon looks at Baz. Something, off. I know Simon says that he doesn't like Baz, but I'm pretty sure that's not one hundred percent true. There's something about the way Baz looks at Simon. Like, if he gets a chance, he'll stake Simon. But then again, he looks at him like a puppy. Like, he doesn't want to hurt him. So I'm also pretty sure Baz likes Simon. You know what they say, if someone is mean to you it means they like you. I'm very sure that's exactly what's happening here. 

I need to do something about this. How long will it go on if I don't do something about this?

Group Chat: Simon's Support Group
Members: Penelope, Shepard, Agatha

5:23 pm [Penny the coin]
  GUYS! We have to do something about Simon and Baz! Did you see them today!

5:24 pm [Shep-herd]
  OMG YES! Penny! You chould have seen simon when we were waitig 4 you. he was so distracted when i was talkig to him! And when baz came out of the class, he flushhhed! ;)

5:24 pm [Aggie]
  I agree. When Baz came into the cafe today, Simon got so flustered. HI Shep!

5:25 pm [Shep-herd]
  Hi Agatha! :)

5:25 pm [Penny the coin]
  So what are we going to do? Baz obviously likes Simon. I think Simon's too oblivious. 

5:26 pm [Aggie]
  I think we should tell si that baz likes him. but I thought baz was mean?

5:26 pm [Shep-herd]
  No, I think we should set up a date 4 them. that would be funny ;)

5:26 pm [Penny the coin]
  Baz isn't mean. Just around Simon. He's a dear to me. I study with him sometimes. And he's smart as fuck. 

5:26 pm [Penny the coin]
  Both of those ideas are good, but they just jump right in and I think we should start slow. Right?

5:27 pm [Shep-herd]
  Good idea babyy. Slow and steaddyyy ;)

5:27 pm [Aggie]
  But what are we going to do? Oh yeah, baz def likes simon if he is being a jerrk. classic.  

5:27 pm [Penny the coin]
  Ikr Agatha! That boy is head over heals for him! Its painful to watch when we talk about Simon. He's a blushing mess.

5:27 pm [Penny the coin]
   I think we should give Baz Simon's number. or the other way around? I could tell Baz that Simon likes him. But he may not text Simon....

5:27 pm [Shep-herd]
  OMG! Did my girlfreind just use an abreviation? WOW! Also, i think we definatly should give a number to one of the boyees.

5:28 pm [Penny the coin]
  You mean "friend" Shep. 

5:28 pm [Shep-herd]
  Same thiiiingggg ;)

5:28 pm [Aggie]
  So then are we giving Baz Si's # or what?

5:28 pm [Shep-herd]

5:28 pm [Penny the coin]
  I find an idea to get Baz to text Simon.

5:28 pm [Aggie]
  EEE!!! Simon is gona have a BoyFriEnD! EEEEE!!

5:29 pm [Shep-herd]
  Sounds like a plan!!! 

5:29 pm [Penny the coin]
  Sounds like a plan!

This is going to be the best plan ever. If I can't prove to Simon that he likes az and Baz likes him, then I may as well get them to prove it to themselves. I just really hope this works!

Message: Baz Pitch

6:01 pm [Penelope]
  Hey Baz.

6:01 pm [Baz]
  What is it Bunce?

6:01 pm [Penelope]
  You like Simon don't you? Don't even deny the fact, I saw you today.

6:10 pm [Baz]
  I don't like Snow. He's a shit face.

6:10 pm [Penelope]
  Took you long enough to respond. ;)

6:10 pm [Penelope]
  Also, you said "he's okay". So that just proves my point even more that you like him.

6:10 pm [Baz]
  Those words never came out of my mouth.

6:11 pm [Penelope]
  [screenshot shared]
  yeah suurue Baz. Look, you even said so. 

6:11 pm [Baz]
  Fine Bunce, you win. Good bye.

6:11 pm [Penelope]
  Baz wait! That's not what I wanted to say.

6:11 pm [Baz]
  Spit it out then. 

6:12 pm [Penelope]
  Okay. Simon likes you! 

6:12 pm [Penelope]
  And I'm pretty sure he doesn't know it yet, but he bloody likes you Baz.

6:14 pm [Penelope]

6:14 pm [Baz]
  Well what The Hell am I suposed to say to that!

6:14 pm [Penelope]
  Merlin BAZ! You must be a dork. Do you even know what this means? It means you HAVE to be his bf. I've seen you act around Simon! Simon can barely even keep his trap shut about you. You're bloody clueless!

6:14 pm [Baz]
  That's lovely Bunce. But how am I going to even talk to him. He clearly doesn't want to talk to me

6:15 pm [Penelope]
  I don't know. I got to go now.

6:15 pm [Baz]

This is going to be good! They don't even have a clue what's going on and this is going to work out beacuase if it doesn't, I might just have to put their arses in a room together and leave them alone to sort it out. You know, that wouldn't be a bad idea now that I think of it. That'll have to be plan B.

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