Penny Knows Something...

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It's 7:01 and Simon is sitting at the island, on the phone with Agatha. He's talking about Baz. Well, he's not exatly talking about him, he's more like complaining. I'm sitting on the couch trying to read the book that I got from the library earlier today with my notebook spred in front of me. I scribble words in my notebook trying to remeber everything I wrote down 5 minutes ago. Merlin, Simon is so loud. I look up at him and he's pacing around the kitchen. His hand is in his hair and his face is red. I sigh and gather my things so I can move to my bedroom where there is more peace than this. 

"He was such a bloddy git!" Simon yells into the phone. Poor Agatha. He looks over at me and I wave to him, walking into my room and shuting the door.

I wonder why Simon hates Baz so much. Baz is sometimes a bit snotty, but that's only when we're in class. Whenever I see him at the library, he's so kind to everyone, helping them find the right books and laughing at the children when they come with their parents. I find it hard to believe Simon, honestly. And that surprises me, because I always trust what Simon says.

One time Baz came up to me while I was studying in the library and he asked me questions about school. Later that week in class we decided that we would study sometime together and we did. Not that that meat anything. I was dating Shepard at the time and he knew. Baz told me stuff about him; one day we were talking about homophobics and politics and he came out to me on the spot. He just straight up told me he was gay. I didn't mind of course, but I did tease him a couple times, asking him if he thought that guys was cute, or if that guy was his type. He just glared at me every time. We always talk about school and politics and our favorite authors of the 18th entury, but occasionally we'd talk about family and friends.

I grab my phone and send him a message;

Message: Baz Pitch

7:06 pm [Penelope]
  So you met Simon today....

7:12 pm [Baz]
  I don't think I recall who you are talking about Bunce.

7:12 pm [Penelope]
  Simon... at the library.... you know him...smh

7:12 pm [Baz]
  You mean the bloke that was holding a fake copy of Dragons of England and kept glaring at me the whole time?

7:12 pm [Baz]
  Than yes, I did meet Simon.

7:13 pm [Penelope]
  Wait he was holding a FAKE copy of Dragons of England? Yes that is Simon.

7:13 pm [Penelope]
  So Bazzzz.

7:13 pm [Baz]
  What Bunce.

7:13 pm [Penelope]
  What did you think of Simon??

7:13 pm [Baz]
  I can't believe you're asking me this.

7:14 pm [Penelope]
  Don't dodge the question.

7:14 pm [Baz]
   He's a idiot. You're an idiot if you think I like him. But he's fine I guess.

7:14 pm [Penelope]
  Bold of you to asume I'm an idiot.

7:14pm [Penelope]

7:14 pm [Penelope]
  But seriously Baz. You're not living if you don't go out every once in a while.

7:15 pm [Baz]
  Bold of you to asume I'm not living Bunce. I'll think about it...

7:15 pm [Penelope]
  OMG! Seriously!

7: 15 pm [Penelope]
  So you like Simon?!

7:15 pm [Penelope]

I told him about Simon a while back, and I swear, I saw his eyes go wild but I had no idea what it meant. I think I do now. 

Simon's Librarian Boy (A SnowBaz Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now