As Long As I Live

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7:00 pm [Simon]

7:05 pm [Pen]

What Si, your literally across the room from me.

7:05 pm [Simon]

7:05 pm [Penny]
I KNOW you told me already :) Are you gonna tell Shep and Agatha since they're here with us?

7:05 pm [Simon]
Hgasdfghjhgf ik but i wanted to say it again bc AHHHHHHHHHHHHHh
Idk yet. I think i'll tell them tmrw.

7:05 pm [Penny]
Fine. it'll be fun to watch. Is Baz telling Dev and Niall?

7:05 pm [Simon]
Idk ill ask him. one sec.

7:07 pm [Simon]
He says hes gonna tell them tmro.

7:07 pm [Penny]
Okay lol. Can I drop hints for now?

7:07 pm [Simon]

You're not his boyfriend Bunce. We'll drop the hints.

7:07 pm [Simon]
Baz took my phonw :(

7:08 pm [Penny]
Yeah, I got that. Si we better watch the movie or Shepard will chew us out for not watching LOTR with him.

7:08 pm [Simon]
Aw okay :( bye pen

7:08 pm [Penny]
Again, right across the room from you.


Shepard makes us all watch Lord of the Rings after we finish most of the turnovers, which turned out to be 10 outta 10s on everybody's list. After that, we all squish onto our sofa, which surprisingly enough fits all of us. Actually, fits is an over exaggeration. Agatha is smashed in the middle of the couch and Penny is sitting half on Shep's lap and half on the cushion. Baz and I are at the other end of the sofa and I'm practically on top of him. Hey, I'm not complaining. We're covered in blankets, so our entwined hands are hidden. We also don't need the blankets. I'm hot enough (and I'm sure Baz agrees from the way he looks at me sometimes, like I'm something he could eat. But that's not what I mean). Temperature wise.

Baz rubs his thumb over my fingers and winks when I look at him. His hair is falling in his face and he looks beautiful. I could kiss him, but Agatha and Shepard still don't know we're together. I want them to figure it out, I think. It might be fun. Baz and I could flirt and mess with them a bit. It could be fun. I look away from Baz and watch the telly screen. Frodo is examining the ring in a forest. Some kind of creepy music is playing in the background, and when there's a jumpyish scene, Baz bounces his leg, making me actually jump on his lap. I slap him and he laughs. He kisses me on the cheek when nobody's looking and my whole face heats up. He rubs my hands some more and when I squeeze his, he squeezes back.

For the rest of the movie, Baz and I are holding hands, but I'm not really paying attention to him because I'm watching the movie, which is actually pretty creepy. When the first one ends, we watch the second. When we get to the orc scene, I start to wonder if they're real. When I ask, Baz and Penny both say they do, along with many other creatures such as werewolves and goblins and numpties and vampires and dragons. Shepard paused the movie so we didn't miss anything.

Agatha ends up resting her head on my arm and my head ends up on Baz's shoulder. We pause the movie to take bathroom breaks and to get a drink. Baz pulls me down the hall when everyone is in the kitchen and kisses me. It's deep and sweet and perfect. He spins us around and I hold on tighter, laughing in his mouth. When he stops spinning, he dips me and I laugh, pulling him down for another kiss. I run my fingers along his scalp and he hmms in my mouth. I can feel it in my throat. When we pull away, I'm grinning and he's trying to keep a straight face but it isn't working. He ends up laughing and shakes his head, untangling himself from me but still holding my hands. He kisses my nose, then my forehead, then numerous places all over my face, winks, then says, "I'll see you out there, love," then walks back down the hall, toward the kitchen. I stand in the hall, stuttering at what he just called me. I'm dazed by his strides. He walks perfectly. His chin held high. His posture pristine. He flips his hair out of his face and my insides turn to goo. I smile. My bladder interrupts my Baz-fantasizing, urging me to the bathroom to piss so I hurry to the loo.

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