❤️Auras (Marsia)💙

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Asylum AU Version ☺️


He isn't stupid; he knows the doctors say he's crazy. He's not. He is not crazy. He's just too smart for his own good. Yeah, that's it.

Martial Law sits with his knees hugged to his chest, his back against the semi-soft wall. They have made sure he can't hurt himself, and there are guards watching him 24/7, but they really shouldn't watch him too much. He's not going to do nothing.

Meanwhile, Nurse Malaysia prepares herself for another gruelling day. They have a new patient: Martial Law or Martial is his name, and apparently he's been displaying psychopathic behaviour for a while. When he finally did something illegal, they caught him, performed a quick examination, and threw him into a padded room before you could say 'crazy'. She frowns slightly.

How bad can he really be?

The gossip circulating the Republican Vilnius Hospital for the Mentally Unstable is incredibly unreliable and outrageous most of the time, and when it isn't it's usually crazier than its patients, but this time.... well, this time Malaysia isn't so sure.

With a heavy sigh she trudges downstairs to the newly occupied cell, Martial's breakfast or what passes for it, in hand. When she reaches the door, she stands there for a moment. What if he really does have three tongues like everyone says he does? Or eyes with no whites, just pupils? 'Don't be ridiculous', she scolds herself. Shaking her head to clear it, she punches in the entrance code on the small keypad, and the door opens silently.

Martial Law looks up as the door opens. He isn't particularly sure if he trusts any of the doctors, nurses, or therapists in this place, as their auras all seem darker than they should be. However, he does know that should he do anything rash, security guards shall be on him before he can make it to the end of the hallway.

So he merely uncurls himself and examines the new arrival. She's nothing special at first glance, what with her average looks and everything, but her aura-it's something else. It's deep blue sky-like her eyes, Martial notes-with threads of light red tangled together. It's like the blue red sunset sky, but with a white film overtop. He's seen people with auras that have more than one colour, but never one with colours that are opposite. Complementary colours, Martial thinks. How peculiar.

She speaks gently, but with a cautious, almost unnerved edge that does not go unnoticed by Martial.

He glances over at what's on the tray she's brought. A blob of something that might be applesauce, the remains of what may have once been the cousin of hash browns, and a glass of-is that orange juice? Well, one decent thing out of three isn't too bad.

For the first time in what feels like decades, he speaks. "I suppose they were out of pancakes, hmm?"

The surprised blue eyes look back at him, as her aura swirls majestically around her like a blue-and-red shield.

He grins, revealing small, pointed fangs. "I take it you think me delirious?" He pauses for a moment, but continues without waiting for an answer. He doesn't need a verbal one: her face is as readable as a book. "Well then, I must be a special case." He lets out a small, humourless chuckle. "No pun intended."

"I dunno how to respond to that," she says, looking dumbfounded.

Martial crawls to the edge of the bed and folds his legs underneath him, resting his hands on his lap like a child waiting for a bedtime story. "Come on, have you not had patients who aren't actually insane and can carry a conversation like a normal person?" He can't help the wistful tone his voice takes on when he says normal.

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