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///Proofread i guess

Janiyah's POV

I woke up to water being splashed on my face.

"Bruh omg why would you do that," I said looking at DeDe and Mac.

"It's 11:00 in the morning y'all shouldn't have been sleeping this late and we are going to Runik house so get ready." Mac said.

Tray and Jay went to their rooms and I picked out my clothes.

I washed and did everything that I needed to, then put on my clothes. (In the mm)
I grabbed my phone, lip gloss, AirPods, and my charger, and went into the living room and waited for everyone else.

Kay came downstairs and we decided to do some dubsmashes.

As we where dancing Tray came in the living and said, " You not finna be going no were dressed like that."

I just rolled my eyes and laughed.

Mac came downstairs and told us to come on.
When we got in the van Mac asked me and Kaniyah do we have something going on with Tray and Jay.

Me being the person I am I said, "Maybe we do, maybe we don't is there a problem with it?"
Mac simply said, "I just wanted to know cause I mean they was sleeping with y'all."

I told him the deal and he was like y'all need to go on a double date and all that.

We all agreed to it so it was planned for Saturday.

We pulled up to Runik's house and Mac said that we were going to be there for a little while then we are going to get something to eat.

As we got out of the van I felt someone grab my ass, only when I turned around it wasn't Tray, it was Mark.

I pulled him aside to asked if he was ok, and to verify that he knows I'm with Tray cause a nigga was doing to much for my liking.

"Mark I'm need to chill with whatever you got cause I don't Tray to beat your ass nor do I wanna beat your ass, so let's just say you grabbed my ass in your imagination, ok?" I told him

He just shook head.
I went inside and followed everyone into Runik's room.

We were just chilling for a while and then mike told us so come on.
We pulled up to Wendy's and got out.

Me, Kay, Tray, Jay, Macei, and DeDe ordered a 'Son of Baconator Combo'.
Mark, Mykel, Bam, Dejah, Kam, and Mirah ordered a "Dave's Single Combo'.
Mac and Holmer ordered a 'Baconator Combo'.
Jaliyah ordered a 'Parmesan Caesar Chicken Salad'.

We went back to Mac's house and I went in my room.
Tray came in and asked what me and Mark were talking about when we got out of the van at Runik's house.

I said, "He told me he liked this girl at school, and wanted to know if he should ask her out, and I told him if he really likes her and feels it in his stomach then yeah ask her out."

He just said oh and laid down with me. I was scrolling through my phone when Tray started to kiss my neck.

I surprised no one noticed the hickey on it.
He detached my overall straps and started to kiss my stomach making me giggle.

He made his way down to my cat and rubbed it through my bottom making my moan softly.

He whispered in my ear, "I told you this wasn't over."

He slid off my overalls and panties, and started to eat me out.
I grabbed a hand full of him hair and started to moan louder.

"Fuck, Tray." I said said while moaning.

He slid an finger in me and I gasped for air. Damn this nigga.

He placed his hand on my breast and started squeezing it.

He was sucking on my clit, which drived me crazy.
He came up to my ear and said, " You want it?"

I am a virgin so I had to think about for a second, but I'm really horny so I said yeah.

He left out of my room which confused me but he came back with a condom so I understood.

He unzipped his pants and pulled them down leaving him in his underwear.
He pulled his briefs down and his dick springs out and I would be lying if I said it was small.

My nigga packing.
He unwrapped the condom and put in on.

"It's gonna hurt, but it'll feel better, cause I know you a virgin," Tray said.
"How you kn-" I was cut off my Tray putting his member in.

It started to hurt, but then it was feeling good as I don't know what.
He started to speed up and I started to moan like crazy.

"You gotta be quiet, babygirl." Tray said he chocked me sexually.

We kept on going until Tray nutted, I was glad when I remembered he had a condom on.

He took if off and flushed it down the toilet. He came back and started to pull up his briefs.

I stopped him by pulling them back down.
"Bae what you doing?" He said smirking.

I stroked his member lightly, causing him to moan. I started to lick up and down it making him moan louder.

He pushed pushed my head down causing me to almost gag. I was sucking and stroking his member until he finally came in the mouth.

I went to the bathroom limping and rinsed my mouth. I still tasted the salty ness so I brushed my teeth.
When I went back into the room he was sleeping on my bed so I joined him.

I ended up falling asleep and woke around 4:30.
Tray was still sleeping so I didn't bother him.

I went into the kitchen and made some ramen noodles on the stove.

Jay, Mykel, and DeDe walking in and started laughing.

"What are y'all laughing at." I said softly.
"FuCk TrAy," Jay said copying me. All I could do was stay silent.

Was I really that loud?

I finished and went back into the room to find Tray awake.
"Hey baby." I said sitting beside him.

"Hey, you know your head game good as fuck?" Tray said making me blush.

~Time skip~

Me and Kay left Mac's house after we ate dinner, we had Hotdogs and Hamburgers.
I washed and picked out my clothes for tomorrow.

I just laid in bed watching Big Mouth on Netflix.
As soon as I was about to go to sleep I heard a knock on my door

"Come in." I said.
It was Mr. Deon

"Hey kiddo, I just wanted to let you know that I love you and good night." He said closing the door.

I haven't heard someone say 'I love you' since my dad died.
All I could do was cry, but not a sad cry, a happy cry.
I feel asleep while thinking 'I miss having a dad so much'.


Heyyy... I'm kinda getting writers block so please give me some ideas.

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