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//Proofread i guess.

Janiyah's POV

Its Saturday and We're on the way to the Prom store, to get our prom dresses and tuxedos. Me, Kay, Jay, and Tray, rode together, while Harmony, Makala, Mark, and Brian rode together.


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It was quiet so I played some music

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It was quiet so I played some music.
10 minutes later we got there, the rest came a little while after us.

The store was open and there where two cars in the front and six in the back, for the employees.
We walked in and was greeted by a middle aged woman, with dark brown hair.

"Hi, my name is Anne, how may I help, you young people?" She said smiling.
"Hi, we're looking for some prom dresses and tuxedos." I said smiling back.
"Ok, do all you wanna match, or just couples?" She said walking to the side of the store, making sure we follow her.

"Just couples." Kaniyah said.
"Ok, can you please stand beside your partner and I will have another person come and help me." She said going to get another employee.
All of separated, and stood next to the person we were with.
The lady came back, with a tall skinny man, he looked familiar for some reason, but I didn't mention anything.

"Hello everyone, my name is Timmothy, I will be helping two couples, so if you want come get me." He said spinning making us laugh.
Me, Tray, Kay, and Jay followed him.
"So do you have any colors in mind?" He asked turning around.
"I've been thinking about royal blue." I said turning to Tray.
"That's cool, I like it." Tray said smiling.

"What about you two?" He said looking at Kay and Jay.
"We agreed on purple." Kay said smiling.
"Cute, ok. Do you want no sleeve, long sleeve, what kinda sleeve." He looking through dresses.
"I want a long sleeve, mermaid dress." Kay said flipping her hair.

"Oh she knows what she wants. What about you honey?" He said looking at me.
"Umm I'm not sure what kind of sleeve or dress. I wasn't really planning on going to prom, but he asked me two days ago so here I am." I said kinda frowning.

"Honey that's ok, I'm gonna work with you because I have a couple of dresses your sister can try on." He said handing Kaniyah a couple of dresses.
She and Jay went to a dressing room, while Timmothy stayed with us.
"So can I ask what's your school colors?" He said looking through so papers.
"Royal blue and gold." I tray said looking at me.

"Oh what wonderful colors, I have two dresses that you can look at they come with a matching tuxedos, for you too." He said looking at me then Tray.
He gave me two dresses and told me to try them on.
I didn't really like the first dress, but the second was so pretty.

I came out of the dressing room showing Tray the dress and he just smiled.
"I like it." He said kissing my forehead, "Me too." I replied.
"Oh honey that dress looks gorgeous on you." Tim said with the girls behind him in their dresses.

"Janiyah that dress is so cute." Harmony said smiling.
"Thanks." I said blushing.
"Here you go sir." Tim said handing Tray his tux.

"Does the dress feel loose or anything." Tim said.
"Up here could be a little tighter," I said pointing to my breast.
"Ok come with me." He said.
We went to a part of the store where they fix anything on the dress.
He tightened my dress to the exact way I wanted it, then we went back to the changing rooms.

"Do you all need any shoes, or a corsage perhaps?" He said as we came out.
We all said yes, and we went to the shoe area.
I got some gold heels, Kay got some Black heels, Harmony got a pair of black, red bottoms, ands Makala got some silver heels.

The total for all of our things were $4,420 and we all spit up the total, so we all payed about $553.
We got our dresses, tuxedos, corsages, and shoes and left.
We went back to my house, and went into the out house.
"So are we going to rent a limo?" Harmony said.
"I mean we can," Kay said, with everyone agreeing.
"I can ask my aunt to do our makeup." Makala said.
Her aunt is a professional makeup artist.

We all said ok. "I'll schedule us a hair appointment." I said getting my phone.
"For Thursday or Friday." Makala said.
"When do y'all want it, cause I can ask her to come over here and then we don't have to leave the house y'all can stay Thursday night, and then we can just get ready Friday." I said.
They agreed so I called my hair lady and asked if she could do our hair and re-twist Tray hair and she said she'll do it.

Harmony called her nail lady,and she is going to come and do our nails.
Jay asked Mac if his barber could come and give them a shape up and he said yeah.
I called a rental place to see if we could rent a limo and they said that it was going to be $100 dollars per hour.
Prom was starting at 7pm and wasn't ending until 2am, which was about 9 hours. And since we were going to get my dad to drive we didn't have to worry about a tip.

"Do y'all wanna do something over the weekend?" Mark said.
"Yeah we need to go out of town or something." Tray said.

~A While Later~

We decided that we were going to rent a limo, but my mom and Leon, were going to take our cars there so we can leave when we want.
The total for the limo is going to be about $400 so each of us have to pay about $50.
It was around 11 o'clock and everyone was gone. I ate, went to my room, and fell asleep.
Hello, I'm back. And I'm sorry for not updating. Bye Bye💕

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