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///Proofread I guess

Two Years Later, Two weeks before Senior Prom

Janiyah's POV

So it's been some years and me and Kaniyah's actions have changed a lot
We were doing finals this week, prom-posals next week, prom the week after that , and the graduation the first week in June.

We already started preparing for our graduation,and since I'm in student body, we already picked the theme for prom; it is "A night in Hollywood" I know it sounds corny, but that's the only thing we could come up with.

We are going to have a red carpet, and actual photographers. Everything was planned we were just waiting on all the things we ordered.
But back to class.
This was the last day for finals, then we apply for scholarships at colleges. I already had some scholarships offered, but I wanted to make sure that I was going to a good school, mainly a HBCU.
I want to either go to Southern University, Alcorn State University, or Alabama State University, mainly because of there majorettes.

Me and Kay switched from cheering to being a Lionette, I guess once you start you can't change.
We both got a scholarship from Grambling University, the University of Houston, and Jackson State University.
My class finished their finals yesterday so today was a do anything, just don't make a lot of noise day.

We were groups of six; me, Kaniyah, Harmony, Jay, Tray, and Mark were in a group.
"So who y'all going to prom with, other than Kaniyah and Jay?" Harmony said looking at them.

"Well I was gonna go with DeDe but he can't go, so at this point and time no one." I said looking at my phone.
"Same." Tray said.
"Well I got this girl in mind, I just hope she don't plan on going with no else." Mark said looking down.
"Well, if the girl you want to go with you already has someone you come with me, as friends cause I don't have anyone to go with." Harmony said smiling.
He shook his head ok.

I asked our math teacher, Mrs. Jones, if we could watch a movie, she said yeah.
I put in my Netflix account on the computer, that was hooked up to the bored.
"You can any movie you want, I don't care if it has cursing, you all are old enough to know what all of that means." Mrs. Jones said.

"Y'all what kind of movie y'all wanna watch?" I asked the class.
I heard a lot of people wanting a children so I went to the genre.
"Aye what you doing, I want to watch a horror movie." Some boy yelled.

"Aye, suck my dick, I went with the genre that more people wanted to watch." I say rolling my eyes.
"Animated or a human movie?" I asked.
"Fake people"
"Real people"
I went for a movie with animated people.
"Chicken little, The Rugrats Movie, Hotel Transylvania 3, The Incredibles 2, or Bee Movie?"
"Hotel Transylvania 3"
"Chicken Little"
"The Incredibles 2"
"Yeah, The Incredibles 2"
"No, Hotel Transylvania 3"
"Mane ok if you want Incredibles raise your hand." I said.
About 20% wanted it so I put in Hotel Transylvania 3.

~Time Skip~

It was the end of the day, and I had a student council meeting.
I went to the library, and waited. Since I was President, I had to make sure I was on time.
I took out my notebook and waited for everyone to come.
After 10 minutes everyone was there, that need to be there.

"Hello everyone, we will have Brian go over the minutes from the last meeting." I said standing up.
He read the minutes, and I seconded then, making them approved.
"Ok, our guidance counselor said all of the things that we order will be here next week. And she wanted me to tell y'all if someone ask for your help with a prom-posal you tell them yes, and don't tell anyone about it and lots of people will be asking for help" I said.

After the meeting I went home, and Mr. Deon and my mom was in the kitchen, since Leon is in college.
"Hey is everything ok?" I asked worried.
"No, because my babies are getting older." She said landing me some papers.
I got a scholarship for, Southern University, and Alcorn State University.

"Ohh my god, now I really don't know who I want to chose, I didn't even have to ask for one." I said jumping up and down.
Leon is going to Alcorn which is one of the three that I want to go to, but Southern University is known more for dance/majorette.
"So which college are you going to chose?" My dad asked.
I started calling Mr.Deon, dad about a year ago.

Me and him really connected the day my mom was at her jobs and Kay was at Mac's house.
I didn't go, because I wasn't feeling good, but he made me feel comfortable; he got ramen noddles, and we watched the Hollow till I fell asleep
"Either Alcorn or Southern University. I'm not sure." I said looking at my family confused.
"I was trying to figure out the same thing." Kay said looking at me.
"Mom? Dad?" I said looking at them.
"I say Southern only because it's closer ,so is Alcorn, but it's not as dangerous as staying in Baton Rouge and Leon is there." She said looking at my dad.
He shook his head yeah.
"Well I think I'm picking Alcorn," I said reading the letter.
"Yeah me too." Kay said.
I went to my room to do everything I needed to, in order to attend Alcorn State.
Fished around 9 and by then the food was finished.
I went to eat and went back in my room.
I looked at some prom dresses, I might not even go because I don't have a date, but we'll see next week.
Hey y'all, so it's two years later 🔮. BYEEEEEEEE

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