22. Part 1

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///Proofread I guess
Some days later

Janiyah's POV

It's Thursday and prom is tomorrow.
I loosed my hair out Sunday, and I was going to wash it tomorrow.
I got ready for school and I put on:

I went downstairs and made me some cereal

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I went downstairs and made me some cereal.
I was scrolling on my phone when I noticed it was 10 o'clock; I was two hours late.

I rushed to eat my cereal, got my purse and keys and went to my car.
Even though I wasn't a big deal I still didn't feel like hearing my teacher questioning me.
I drove to school and got there around 10:20. I was walking to class to see a poster saying it was last day to vote for prom queen and king.

As I walked inside, I went to the school's website to see who was on the ballot, and to my surprise it was me, Kaniyah, Maggie, and another girl that I wasn't familiar with.
For prom king, Jay, Tray, Brian, and another random boy I didn't know was on it.
I sat beside Tray and showed him.

"Dang I wonder who gonna win." He said kissing me.
"If it's not me or you, you know I'm rooting for my sister and Jay." I said smiling looking at them.
"Why were you late, Ms.Brown." My teacher said, making four of us look at her.

There was a lot of people with the last name Brown at my school.
"I don't know, you tell me." I said making her stare at me.
"Just because school is almost over doesn't mean you can be coming in late, especially to my class young lady." She said standing up.
"And just because school is almost over doesn't mean you can flirt with married man, especially my dad, old lady." I said.

Tuesday as I was going to check on my dad, in his class room, she was all over trying to kiss him and all.
"Dang you didn't have to expose her like that." Some random person said.
She sat back in her chair embarrassed.

And the rest of the day she didn't say a thing.
The bell rung and it was time to go to our next class, but had a meeting.

"Hello everyone, I know that you know prom is tomorrow and with that being said you need to be here tomorrow morning to set up, after we finish you can leave or go back to class for the freshman and sophomores." I said sighing.
"What time do we have to be here." One of the members said.
"No later than 9:30. The earlier we are here the faster we can leave so if you come at 10:30 will will be hear for a long time. We have to set up the tables,chairs, posters, table cloths and everything else. And please do not come looking all good because you will sweat, so if you put on perfume or cologne and you start sweating it will smell two times worse, ok?" I said, " For the people that come early I will buy you guys breakfast I will ask my sister to get us something to eat, and depending when we leave I will buy lunch but only for the early ones, so if you are hear before I will say 9:40 I will buy you food.
We finished our meeting and we went to class.

~After School~

The whole day was pretty normal we had another graduation rehearsal, and I went home.
I went to but some food for the outside house since everyone was coming around 8 and it was 6.
I got a carton of eggs, two packs of bacon, three loaves of bread, some butter, orange and apple juice, some ham and turkey slices, some slice cheese, mayo, some fruit punch.
I payed for it then I left.

I went home and then the out house and put the things up.
I got some of our plates, cups, bowls and silverware out the house and put them in the out house.
I went to pack my clothes for the weekend, when I remembered I need to customize my cap, and buy my two dresses and shoes for graduation.
I searched for different designs, and I found one that I really liked, I saved it and ordered everything I needed, I used two days shipping because I wanted everything to be her early.
I looked at some websites for some dresses and shoes and I fount some cute black heels and a black dress, I ordered two in me and Kay's in my sizes then I went to wash.
I got out and heard knocking on the front door, I wrapped my self in my towel and went to see who it was.
I opened the door and it was Tray, Jay, Mark, and Brian.
"Hey y'all, have y'all seen my sister?" I said letting them.

"Jay said she was going to get something, but why you answering the door in a towel." Tray said looking at my towel which was a couple centimeters under my butt.
"Mane I just got out the shower," I said rolling my eyes.

As I was going back upstairs Tray grabbed the back of my neck, making my towel almost fall.
"Girl stop playing with me." He said kissing me.
I just laughed at him the I went upstairs to get dressed.
I just put on some shorts and a random shirt. I came back downstairs and Harmony and Makala was there, I assumed they already washed because they had on some shorts and a t-shirt like me.
"Come on y'all, ion know where Kay at but it's on her." I said walking to the out house.
"Oh she went upstairs, I think she washing." Jay said.
I just said ok, and we went inside.

"So what y'all want to eat for dinner?" I asked looking at them.
"I want some pizza and wings." Mark said with everyone agreeing with him.
I ordered 3 Large 3 toppings stuffed crust pizzas, 2 orders of 36 Nashville Hit Traditional wings, 3 orders of 10 Cinnabon mini rolls, and 3 orders of 10 Cheese Sticks, the total was about $185 and we split it up so each of us payed, around $25.
20 minutes later our food came and we payed.

After we ate we just joked around and watched some movies.
"Hey Brian you ridding with to the school tomorrow." I said looking in his direction.
"Yeah sure, I'm cool, just wake me up when you wake up." He said smiling at me.

For some reason Makala started mugging me.
"Brian I for some reason your girlfriend must got a problem with you riding with me, and I don't wanna have to drag again so either keep her on a leash or you gonna have so drive yourself." I said mugging her back.

"Bitch you ain't finna do shit." She said getting bold.
"First of all I, not no bitch, hoe. And who ain't finna do shit." I said getting up.
"I'm not a hoe and I said you not finna do shit." She said standing up too.
"So who is Micheal. You texting saying 'oh I can't meet up, I'm with Brian, he so fucking dumb the only reason I'm with him is to get to Mark and Jay' so that not being a hoe??" Harmony said getting up.

"Oh since we wanna throw things around, ask Tray why he was at my house the other day." Makala said making me look straight at him.
"You serious, Tray you promised me you would be loyal,and this what we do?" I said with tears streaming down my face.
"Baby I'm so-"
"I'm not your fucking baby, get your fucking ring, get your shit, and get the fuck out, same thing with you bitch ass hoe." I said looking at Tray then Makala.

"And matter of fact give me the fucking suit and shoes back, I'll send your money with Mark or Jay. And give me the dress, shoes, and corsage too, someone with give your money back" I said looking at them
They put the things on the couch and left.
I went to the bedroom and just cried.

Every time I think I can trust he just disappoints me more and more.
I heard the door open, and the bed dip beside me. They wrapped there arms around me.
I looked up and it was...

To Be Continued
Hey y'all sorry for the cliffhanger but I wasn't planning on being that long, but I kinda got into the moment. But I'll be back later. Bye Bye 🧸💕

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