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///Proofread I guess.

Janiyah's POV

So it's Saturday and me and Kay have our date with Tray and Jay .

I got up and went to wash and do my other personal hygiene. I just put on some leggings and a shirt with some crocs, since we were only going to get our hair and nails done.

When I went back in the room Kay was on the phone. She must've been talking to momma cause she kept on say ma'am.

She handed me the phone and I said hello.

"Hey baby, I just called to check on y'all." My mom said through the phone.
"Hey momma I'm doing good," I said telling Kay to get dress.

"Ok well I have some news for y'all." She said making me think.

"I stole y'all not to make a baby momma." I said laughing.

"No it's not that, when y'all come back we're gonna start planing everything for the wedding. We want it to a be in December which is great time." She said making  me smile.

"Ok, well you already know I'm finna be on it." I said making her chuckle.
"Ok, well bye and I love you." She said.

"Love you too, bye." I said hanging up

Kaniyah came out of the bathroom were involved the same thing as me but with different colors.

"So what was mom talking about?" She asked.

"She said when we come back she wants us to help her plan the wedding and that she wants it to be in December." I told her handing her, her phone.

She just shook her head, ok.

I went in the kitchen to send Mama Jones making breakfast.

"Oh what you making?" I asked looking around.

"Grits, Bacon, eggs, and toast." She said frying the bacon.

I went to the boys room to see all of them knocked out.
I quickly ran to to Mac room to tell him. He told me to get everyone that was up.

I went to the girls room and all of them were up.

"Y'all come on." I said

"We we going! I'm not dressed." Kam said. "We Just finna drown the boys." I said walking out

The came behind me and I went to get Kay.
We went into the kitchen and grabbed pits and bowls.

"What y'all doing with my stuff?" Mama Jones said.

"Wet the boys." I said filling the stuff with water.

Mac got the camera and started filming.

"Wassup Head ass gang, it's ya boy Funnymike, you're turned into today vlog and we finna get lit." He said yelling.

"So the boys are sleep and me and the girls are finna wet them." He said turning the camera to us.

We started walking into the boys room and Mac told us to be quiet.
I went for Tray, Kaniyah went for Jay, Macei went for Mykel, Mirah went for Bam, Kam went for DeDe, and Dejah went for Mark.

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