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///Proofread I guess.

Janiyah's POV

So it's Friday and we were in the gym waiting for the football players and Coach to come.
After 30 minutes she came with some the football players and lots of boxes.

"Chole, Janiyah, and Malaka come here." Coach said.
"Look through the papers and match the sizes with the right thing and put them on top of the bag with their name on it. On person can do clothes, another shoes, and another can do bows, socks, and Pom Poms." She said cutting the tape on the boxes."
I had to match the tops with the skirts, Makala shad to put the warmup and shoes with the bag, and Chole put the bow, socks, and the Pom Poms in the bag.
After we fished everyone had to go to the locker room and try everything on.
First we did the uniforms:

 First we did the uniforms:

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(Can we plz replace the P with a H cause I really like these and the color of them

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(Can we plz replace the P with a H cause I really like these and the color of them. On the last picture there are two different base colors black and blue)

Then we did our Warmups:

We finished and changed back into our black and white

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We finished and changed back into our black and white.
We went over everything for Monday and then went home.

~On The Way Home~

So today I'm meeting Leon, Mr. Deon said that he might be moving in earlier than expected.
As soon as I opened the door I saw some tall ass brown skin nigga.

"Hold up now I know I'm not trippin, ain't you just went up stairs?" The boy said.
"I'm guessing you met my sister. I'm Janiyah and unless you finna help me with my stuff please get out of the doorway." I said struggling to carry my things.

He grabbed my book bag.
I walked up to my room and put all of my things up. I bent to take my shoes off and I heard, "Damn" niggas all the same.
"Here you go, I'm Leon by the way"

"Here you go, I'm Leon by the way"

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"Thanks," I said walking to my bathroom.
I heard my room door close and I started to de-clothe myself.
I was in my bra and underwear when I went back into my room to find Leon was still in there.

"I thought you left." I said jumping.
"My bad I didn't know what you where doing, I thought you needed some more help." He said walking out of my room.

I locked the door and got my phone.
I washed then, did my nightly routine.
I put my hair in a bonnet and put on some dolphin shorts and a random long sleeve shirt.

I went back downstairs and everyone was there. I assume they were waiting for me.
"My bad I wouldn't have washed if I knew you guys were waiting." I said sitting on the couch beside Kay.

"Your good, I knew you probably were hot and sweaty form practice." My mom said.
"So what we are going to do tonight is bond and get to know get other, I bought some boards games, and Taniyah searched some games to play online." Mr. Deon said.
"I have a question." I said
"What is it?" My mom said.
"Did Leon get his name from you and his mom his moms name started with a L?" I said looking at him. Mr. Deon shook his head yeah.

We started to play Monopoly.
So far I had the most properties, but with a good amount of money, unlike Kay who barely had money with no properties.
I ended up winning because I'm cut like that.
We played a little more family games ,then we ate.
We had another Seafood Boil.

I swear they trying to make me fat.

We were just talking when Kay said she has something to say.
Oh god please don't tell them your pregnant.
"Mom I'm pregnant." She said coldly.

Everyone was just looking at her.
"Is that why one of my tests where missing out of my box." My mom asked.
Kay said yeah.

"Who's the father?" Mr. Deon said.
"Jay?" Making everyone turn to me.
"NOT ME JOHNATHAN, HER BOYFRIEND." I said laughing while being loud as ever.
"Oh." My mom said, "Does he know?"
She just said yeah again.

"Do you want to keep it?" Mr.Deon said.
She said she didn't know and it was was up to Jay.
"Can you call him for me." My mom asked.
Kaniyah did as she was told.

"Hello?" Jay said.
"Hello Jay, this is Kaniyah's mom, are you by yourself?" She said.
"Yes ma'am," he said kinda nervous.
"Kaniyah brought to my attention that she is pregnant, I asked her she wants to keep the child, she said it up to you. So my question is do you want the child." My mom said sternly.
"I don't think I'm ready to take the responsibilities of being a father, but if Kaniyah wants to keep it then she can." Jay said.
"Have you told anyone yet?" My mom said rubbing her temple. "No ma'am." Jay said.
"Ok well don't tell anyone, not even Mike, ok?" She asked. "Yes ma'am." He said.
My mom hung up.
"Were going to the doctor tomorrow." My mom said.
We finished eating in silence.
I went into the game room with Leon and we just played pool.
"Did you know she was pregnant?" He said me.
I said yeah.
My phone dinged and as I was walking my body went cold and all I heard was screaming.
All I saw was blackness.
What happened to me?
Where am I?
What's going on?

"Hey babygirl." I heard someone say.
I turned around and saw my dad.
I started crying and I ran to hug him, but I went straight through him.
"Dad what's going on? Why am I here?" I asked.
"I know your depressed, I know your cutting yourself. I didn't raise to get sad over a boy. The reason why your here is because the last you cut yourself you hit a vein and it's just now affecting you." My dad said.

He was right that's why I was wearing in long sleeve shirts and distancing myself from everyone.
I hated the fact cheated on me I couldn't help it he was my first love, my only love, I lost my virginity to him, I gave everything to him.
"Now baby go ahead back, I want you to know that I love you and I'm always with you no matter what." He said vanishing away.

I started to hear voices, I finally woke up and all I feel was someone hugging me it was my mom.
"Baby I'm so sorry I dint know what was going on, I should've paid me attention to." She said kissing my on the forehead.

About 30 minutes later the doctor said that I needed to one more day until I could leave.
My mom left to get me some clothes and other stuff.
I just sat in the hospital bed slowly falling asleep.
Hey I'm back, other one in the same night, but that's all BYEEEEEEEE

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