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///Proofread I guess

Janiyah's POV

I woke up and it was Thursday.
I went to wash and put on:

My dress was kinda short but it's ok

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My dress was kinda short but it's ok.
I got my bag, lipgloss, phone, charger, and AirPods. I put my Apple Watch on and went downstairs.
"Hey mama." I said seeing her about to leave.

"Hey baby." She said kissing me on the cheek then walking out the door.
"Good morn- that dress kinda short you know." Kay said coming downstairs.
I just laughed and rolled my eyes.

I made some toast, and went back to room. I just scrolled through TikTok until my alarm went off, telling me to leave the house.
I was about to ask Kaniyah if she wanted to ride with me, but she already left.
I drove to school, only to see seniors and juniors outside.
'There must be another prom-posal.' I said in my head.
I got out grabbing my purse the walking in.

It was Brian, he was proposing to Makala, it was cute. He got some of his friends to help.
I went to my class and waited for it to end.
I ended up falling asleep. No one woke me up, and it was already second period.
Lucky my teacher didn't have a class this period, so it just went back to sleep.
30 minutes later I heard the bell ring and I went to my third period.
"Why the hell didn't you wake me up?" I asked Kay sitting beside her.

"Last time I woke you up you almost punched me in my face, I wasn't risking that again." She said.
We just talked and did TikTok's the whole class period, until it was time to go to lunch.
We were missing a lot of people, I assumed it was another proposals I dint mind it.

As soon as lunch was about to end all of the Lionettes came in uniform telling me to walk with them.
I was so confused but I ending up following them.
Video:(Skip to 3:00)

Tray was holding a huge pink bag and some flowers.

"Janiyah, I know I cheated on you freshman year, and I'm sorry. I really love you with all my heart. I want be to with you through thick and thin. I want to show that I'm not just some dumb ass nigga that's just gonna cheat on the most beautiful girl. I want to love, care, and treat you like how a woman is supposed to be treated...so with that being said, Janiyah Brown will you be my Bonnie and go to prom with me? He said smiling, with Jay backing him up.

All I could do was cry, he did all of this, after he knew he messed up, and he was man enough to admit it.
I shook my head.
Kaniyah took a picture of us, and as soon as I thought it was over, he pulled out a little box and got on one knee.
"Janiyah with this ring, i promise to love, care, and be there for you, whenever you need me to." Tray said putting the ring on my finger.
The ring:

I pulled him into a hug and everyone started smiling

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I pulled him into a hug and everyone started smiling.
A random teacher came out of no where and started to break up everything, like damn let me have my moment.

Tray went to change back into his regular clothes and we got went into the library.
On our way I heard someone talking about voting me and him Tray for prom King and Queen.
Kaniyah, Jay, Mark, Harmony, Brain, and Makala sitting in a group with two other chairs left.
"Thanks for helping Brian." Tray said dapping him up.
"Is that why you late the other day." I said smiling.
"Yeah my bad, I mean you did say don't tell anyone." Brian said laughing.
"So prom it next week, we need dresses and suits." Harmony said.
"I know a place." My and Kay said at the same time.

My mom told me about a place that can have a dress and suit made in a day.
"So when y'all wanna go, cause we have rehearsal today and tomorrow." Makala said.
"We can go Saturday, I'll make a group chat and send the address and time." I said getting my phone out.
They said ok.

"Are we gonna match, or all couple for themselves?" Kay said.
"All couple for themselves." Me and Harmony said laughing.

"Ok." Kay said.
We left and went to the rest of our classes.

~After School~

The bell just rung and it's time for us to leave.
I went back home, got my heels and a snack. I went back to school, and walked into the gym.

I sat next to Tray, and we waited for rehearsal to start.
First, our principal gave us our gown and caps. She told the females to wear and black dress with black shoes, and the males to wear and black suit with black shoes.

After that she said that we will have a dinner so bring and change of clothes, which will be the school colors: blue, gold and white., with whatever shoes we wanted.
Then she said that we could customize our caps anyway we wanted, as long as there was no profanity.
We went over the seating and walking then it was time leave.

I got home around 9:45 pm.
"Hey mama, and dad." I said walking in with Kaniyah behind me.
"Hey baby, I saw some balloons, I didn't look at them, but who gave them." My mom said smiling.
"Tray, proposed to me for prom." I said cheesing.

"Oh ok, I'm fine with it as long long as you are." She said hugging me.
I went upstairs and washed. When I came back the food was finished.
My dad made steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans.

We just ate in silence, until I asked my mom, what the address was to the place she told me about.
I texted it to group and said 1 pm.
Everyone agreed, so I locked my phone.
I put my plate in the dishwasher and went upstairs and went to sleep.
Hey, I'm back, as I said I'm sorry for not updating. I'm feeling a little better, but enough of the sad talk my birthday is coming up 😁 ♋️. But BYEEEEEEEE

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