Chapter 15: He's Human, or Something Like That

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    You fell backwards, the clouds in the sky sinking with your falling body as you plummeted. As you began to tumble back over front through the air, your eyes began to close, you became dizzy, and you could hear Armin's voice again. "YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER! EREN NEEDS-" 

    Your body lurched forward so hard that your neck cracked, and your ribs, already mashed like scrambled eggs, popped uncomfortably. Armin's voice had been cut off and was now replaced by the whirring of the wires on the ODM equipment. Judging by the strength of the arms wrapped around your chest and the body elbows edging into your back, you took your "hero" to be Annie.

    You felt your body slammed shamelessly to the ground on the top of the wall, the air being knocked back into your chest. You coughed and sputtered as you tried to remember what had happened. Why am I here? Why was I falling?

    "What the hell, (Y/N)?" Annie screamed at you, her piercing blue eyes alive with fear and anger. She pulled your collar so that you were sitting upright, barely able to stabilize yourself, while she held your upper body up, her fists clenched so tightly that you were scared. "Wh-what do you mean?" you asked, incredulously. "What do you fucking mean?" Mikasa said, arriving on the scene. All I saw was you throwing your fucking body off the wall." You sat, still suspended in the air by Annie, completely dazed and confused. "I-I have no idea what you're talking about," was all that you could mutter as you shakily raised your hand to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. "I don't remember anything- I think that I'm just- FUCK!" you screamed, the realization setting back in of everything that occurred with Eren, yet the vision seemed to dissipate beyond your realm of memory so that it was no more than a particle in the air. 

    You struggled to free yourself from Annie's group, which was somewhat surprising, as even when weakened, you had never held back with her in combat. "Let me go!" you screamed, writhing under her hands and wriggling around to free yourself. After you had managed to hove her off, you managed to catch a glimpse of the faces staring at you. Sasha, Connie, Reiner, Bertolt, Armin, and Mikasa were all staring at you like you had just sprouted a tail and begun speaking in tongues. "Look- I don't know what happened!" you shouted, more angrily than you meant to, "I'm exhausted, and Eren's- God, Eren I the priority right now; I don't even know what the fuck is going on, but just please stop looking at me like that!" Before you could wait for their responses, you turned on your heel, teetering more than you'd have liked as you dashed over to where Eren lay, literally only a few feet from where you had just apparently flown off the wall. 

    The footsteps behind you indicated that others were rejoining the "what the fuck happened to Eren party," which- to your joy- meant that you might escape whatever in the hell had just happened to you. Why can't I remember? You know what, it doesn't matter. This is where I should be. "Eren," you whispered quietly, stroking his hand, smooth and large as ever, while Mikasa settled back in holding his other hand. Armin had appeared behind you, clearly still boggled. "I saw him get swallowed... I saw the titan bite his arm off, and I saw the titan before that one bite his leg off... how could this be?" Nobody said anything, but the whirring of blades and gears indicated that your party was growing more popular. Before you could so much as turn your head, you were hurtfully swept away from Eren as a burly and bearded military police officer grabbed him around the waist and began barking orders at his other officers. "Take him now while he's still unconscious! We have no time to waste before this son of a bitch transforms again!" Processing the situation, you looked up at the officer for only a fraction of a second, but the pure terror in his eyes, gray and unforgiving, made you rigid with the realization that you were going to have to fight, tooth-and-nail, to get Eren out of this alive. "I'm not letting you take him; if you're going anywhere with him, I'm coming too," you barked at the man, twisting his wrist so that a small pop could be heard, "and if you want to be able to hold those blades that you so foolishly brandish, then I wouldn't argue with me." "(Y/N)," Annie hissed, "get back here before you get your ass handed to you." Twisting his wrist in retaliation, you hissed in an equally dangerous tone, "And who's going to hand my metaphorical ass to me- and more importantly, who's going to walk away with a tongue to tell the tale?" The officer looked into your (e/c) eyes with a disgust that you barely registered as that of unappreciated and inappropriate insubordination. "So be it," he muttered quietly, "you'll be in the pen with him, and you can die too." You released his wrist and smiled bitterly, "so I see you've finally caught my drift." "Grab her," the bearded officer barked, as he grasped Eren again, still straightening out his wrist repeatedly. "You may as well grab me too," Mikasa said cooly, extending her wrists as if requesting handcuffs. "Me as well," Armin said, doing the same. The officer rolled his eyes and responded in a quiet grumble, "If you want to die so badly, then maneuver your own asses over to the pen and follow my men; I'm giving you kids a chance to make the right choice." "Oh," Mikasa responded, "we are."

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