Chapter 15

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Everyone had gathered at their train stations or buses for the start of our internships.
Me, Iida, tokoyami, todoroki and izuku were all on the same train to hosu.

As we got on we went to first class.
Only todoroki and iida were going but I upgraded the whole class even on different trains so we all went to the first carriage and got in a booth as we placed our bags in the over head compartments.

As we were going to the city we began discussing how excited we were except iida who just nodded and agreed. I knew why he chose this city and it was to find stain. Its him being angry and irrational but he won't listen to me so it's really not my decision. I advised against it but he told me he needed this.

As i kept glancing at him todoroki spoke.

Todoroki: Hey (y/n) why have you been avoiding me?
Me: I have no idea what your talking about.
Tokoyami: actually the whole class has noticed it (y/n).
Me: It's just a conversation your father had with me makes me uncomfortable.
Todoroki: He asked you about quirk marriages then.
Me: Yes but I lectured him on a lot of things. He was my option until that meeting. What an ass.

Todoroki seemed shocked as I said it but nodded in agreement.

Tokoyami: On the discussion of relationships what happened between you and bakugo if you don't mind me asking.
Me: He'd always protect me and be there for me like dear izuku here. We'd all talk late into the night. There was reasons I was called a freak but they defended me. I fell for bakugo but a year ago I left to America to train with allmight for UA. Before I left I was selfish and told him. I gave my confession.
Izuku: He refused?! He had a clear crush in you though!
Me: Actually the opposite. He begged me to stay for him. He felt the same. But I was leaving. I told him I'd be back. Wait a year. But while I was gone he told me to never talk to him again. He was my reason to get strong. To return. But he shattered my dreams.
Tokoyami: So when you returned and saw him?
Me: I was upset. I was angry. I still am. He acts like nothing happened. During the festival you could see us fighting with our anger. Our regrets. That's basically where we are now.
Todoroki: Do you still love him?
Me: That's complicated. I've developed feelings for a few people and it's dangerous.

They nodded as we felt the trains slowing down.

Skip to an hour before the hosu incident.

As me, tokoyami and hawks were walking around we all felt uneasy. There was no reason for it but we could all sense it.
Me: do you?
Hawks: Yes. It's powerful.

As we kept our eyes open until the time came.
We watched as gates of purple opened. The ones I recognised from the USJ. The ones that had haunted my mind all these years.

As the nomu started coming there were the new breeds as I took steps back.
I didn't want to lose again.

I watched as they attacked buildings as I ran saving people as fast as I could throwing them out of the wall of falling rubble.

As they were fighting a notification for location appeared.


I ran quickly as I turned into the alley way seeing izuku, Iida and todoroki. And another hero. Seemingly they they were all paralysed.
I saw stain as he saw me.

Stain: Now you look an awful lot like (m/n).

I slowly reached for my concealed gun under the shirt part of the dress and i ducked his knife pulling my gun on him.

Me: That is my mother's name! WHY DO YOU KNOW IT?!
Stain: Oh dear the drugged prostitute had children.

I felt my hands shaking as I was pointing the gun at him. I'd tried forgetting her looking like that. Being that person.
The images of her shooting drugs into her veins. The bloodshot eyes and dying appearance. Her drugs everywhere that we all inhaled them constantly.
The image of her bleeding and bruised from her sessions and her burning a cigarette bud into us instead of an ash tray.

I felt my tears starting to blur as my hands began shaking.

Stain: For the sake of her leave....

I couldn't. My gun pulled the trigger as it scraped his eye clearly shocking him.

No ones pov

As the battle with stain happened they left after being reprimanded to save people from the nomu as they saw a woman holding her child under a falling sky scraper.
(y/n) ran towards them throwing them out the way as it fell on her.

The heroes and students screaming her names. As they kept fighting. When it was over they all ran to the building. They began pulling the ruble trying to find her.
Praying she was alive. But after hours they found no sign she was alive. And after days of trying there was no way.

Her death was announced over the world's news.

Young (y/n) Yamada aged 15 died saving lives during the housu attack. She's recorded to save 27 lives 8 you d children and helping In arresting stain with endeavour. She was a champion and a fighter. She'll be remembered.
It wasn't until 2 months later than the gathering and funeral invitations were sent out. With her body still missing.
The funeral that was held was public with everyone she saved appearing and her classmates. Her father was destroyed. On his knees crying onto the grave. He'd lost his daughter again and he could save her. Everyone trying to keep it together as a man stepped forward with a laptop.
No one knew him but he placed it on her grave as he pressed play.

(y/n): If your seeing this I'm probably dead or bene missing for a long time.
I don't know how or why but I hope it was saving others.

A video of her beauty and her smiling played.

(y/n): I didn't have a great childhood

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(y/n): I didn't have a great childhood. I was a drug abuser and a slave. Those days will never be revealed. I'd like people to remember me as (y/n) Yamada not 01. I grew up eventually and slowly fell in love. I fell for bakugo. I fell for hitoshi and Kaminari. Both of them were funny and caring. God I wished they'd made a move. Iida sweetie your just adorable but clearly weren't into me so I abandoned that. Basically I would have dated many of you. Everyone had something beautiful inside of them. I don't know if I got that chance or not as I recorded this before then.
Dad please don't beat yourself over this. Your so sweet and loving. You were the parent I always wanted. You did well.
To anyone else I met you somewhere along the way and I'm glad I did. I'm sad that I've already left you all behind I really am.

As the video started becoming static with the voice breaking the file had corrupted towards the end.

Everyone was happy to hear her again as people left flowers and said words to her grave.

People telling everyone how amazing and kind she was. People thanking her for being friends. And thanking her for saving them or their children.

Eventually few remained. Eventually todoroki was left as he knelt down.

Todoroki : Hey (y/n) I never gave this back.

He placed a silver bracelet with (m/n) carved on the inside on her grave.

Todoroki: When I picked it up it had rusted and been stained in blood. I cleaned it and got it fixed. I'm sorry I never had the chance to man up and return it.

He was alone as everyone had already left as he began getting up a voice spoke.

'I'll have that back thank you.'

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