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This whole chapter is in your P.O.V



The door at the end of the dungeon opened, scaring the wits out of Cecil. I shivered slightly as I felt a cold breeze gush through the door. I stared at it confusingly as I saw a figure walk in the dungeon. The hairs on my body rose and my gut feeling told me to run as fast as I could. Golden eyes shone through the dimly lit hallways, giving an eerie feeling. Sounds of clacking shoes made me feel quite anxious. This isn't normal. Facing my fears, I walked towards the direction of the door, the air felt as if it was suffocating me. A girl, standing perfectly upright, stood in front of me. The dress she wore hugged her figure perfectly, showing her curves. A set of Jewelries placed on her neck, wrists, hair and ankle. But what caught my attention was the golden knife she held, as it perfectly matches her eyes. She seems familiar....I think she was someone I knew personally...

"Who are you?" my voice came out, as cold as ice.

" You really did forget me did you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh how I wonder....Didn't you dream of a...girl...with beautiful brown locks...and striking golden eyes?"

"How did you know about that? And what do I have to do with you?"

"Sweetie....You will...find out....soon enough. After all, you are one aren'tcha? "

She soon disappeared, along with the door. I stood there dumbfounded. Was that magic?...I need to ask Yam about this....My eyes averted towards Cecil. He had collapsed, white foam coming out of his mouth. I decided to leave the dungeon, the unexpected 'event' somehow took away my energy. I slowly climbed up the stairs for what felt like hours, until I reached the surface. I dragged my feet lazily as I continued the journey to my room.

"Oi! (Y/n)! Let's go! We have a lesson to go through!"

My eyebrows furrowed as I heard the familiar ear-piercing scream. I was obviously annoyed as I looked at the sight in front of me. Lily was waving at me like a madman, urging me to walk faster. As much as I want to walk back, my room is only a few doors away. I let out an exasperated sigh as I sluggishly walked over to her.

"What do you want?"

"Oh, come on moron, I used up that energy to greet you and this is how you greet me?"

"Piss off"

"Oh wow, are you that annoyed? You have no excuse to skip your lessons though."

"Fine. Lead the way."

"We're doing it in your room today! Aren't you excited?"

"YOU'RE the one excited. If you excuse me, we have a lesson to attend, and conversing with each other right now is not gonna help"

"Jeez, why so salty?"

"You asked for it"

I jogged to my room, using up most of my energy and opened the door. Standing right in front of me was Rurumu. Her gentle smile calmed me down a bit, making me smile back. I bowed as a sign of respect and quickly sat on the cushion provided. A look of concern plastered Rurumu's porcelain face, her mouth opening to say something.

"(Y/n)-san, are you okay? You look horrible."

"Yeah, just a little tired. I'm fine."

"If you ever want to stop tell me okay? We can't stress out your body too much."

"Okay. I understand."

We proceeded with the lesson, which included revising the alphabets, as well as learning how to write my name and a few everyday items. Everything was going surprisingly well. We ended the lesson smoothly and I had plenty of rest while simply sitting down as well. But that doesn't mean I'm not tired. Waving my hand goodbye, I closed the door and bounced on my bed. I hugged my pillow as I recalled that event. I close my eyes shut as my head started to throb. Shit...I didn't have enough rest...I relaxed my body and started to fall asleep when I heard the door open.

"What is it?!"

"Uh sorry, I think I got the wrong room..."

"Sigh Next time, knock the door okay?"


The blonde haired but quietly closed the door and left my room. I slowly sunk into my bed and once again relaxed my tensed muscles. In only a few seconds, I fell into a deep sleep.


707 words

Heyya. I finally updated. How was it? Did you like it? I personally think it's a little short, but hey I finally gave you what I promised after a long time! Next time, I will update you whenever I'm going to have an update. Sorry that there's no Ja'far content here.


Hey guys! I changed my username to @Saito_Ria and I will be changing all of my...'sign out's in 5 days. I hope you get used to it soon since 'Katsuke Rizumu' seemed to childish and cringe for me now. A new update will (hopefully) come out sooner or later.

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