Christmas Special!!!

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[Also just fake that y'all already couple-couple with Ja'far here~]
[Next Chapter will be soon!!!!]{Also Lily's name shall be changed to Aliyah}


"Woohoo!! Today's Christmas!!!"

I woke up, feeling excited and giddy by the fact that today was the jolly day of gift-giving. Being an ex-assassin who just recently threw her job away like how people throw their trash nowadays, I never celebrated Christmas before. Celebrating Christmas was not all important while you're an assassin since it's usually a nuisance called a holiday because a lot of people are going visiting and all that kind of stuff that hinders and only delays our targets death.

I immediately got off my bed, hoping that I finally get to celebrate and enjoy my first Christmas. Speeding off to the showers that was recently installed, I brought my clothes along with me. A green top with a red bow to tie around it, along with black leggings and the classic sindrian robe. Planning how to shape my outfit in my mind, I let the warm water from the shower head run down my back. 


After I got out of the shower, I went straight to the dining room, passing my Ja'far's office. Hmm that's weird...he doesn't leave his door open like that normally...Taking a peek, I saw Masrur, Morgiana and Alibaba decorating my dear boyfriend. I couldn't help but stifle a laugh. Ja'far was asleep on his desk with a few paperworks on it. Meanwhile those three put up lights on his kefiyyeh, candy canes, a bell and even a star thingy on top.

"Hey hey now you three. What are you doing? Especially you Masrur, I wouldn't expect you out of all people to decorate Ja'far."

They only stared at me blankly, well Morgiana and Masrur. Alibaba had a slightly nervous face as he saw me. Hands on my hips, I slowly walked to them with a fake frown on my face. While all of them are kneeling on the ground, I looked down on them, a dark aura surrounded me. Alibaba started shivering while Morgiana's eyes widened and Masrur still stared at me blankly. All of a sudden, I grinned from ear to ear, the atmosphere around me changed.

"You didn't call me to join you? Also Ja'far's gonna get mad so good luck~ Byeee~"

I was about to walk out of the room when a plan popped up in my head. Opening my mouth, I said the very words that made Alibaba's face turn pale.

"Hey Ja'far wake up!! It's Christmas and they're decorating you. See you later sweetie!"

I ran off out of the room with a sinister grin on my face. Hehehe I'm probably gonna get in trouble too but who cares, he loves me~ I arrived at the dining room where Yamraiha was sitting with Aliyah(Lily) and Rurumu. I immediately headed to sit down across of them, waving in the process.

"Morning (Y/n)! Merry Christmas!!!" -Aliyah

"Merry Christmas (Y/n)~ Do have some breakfast." -Rurumu

"Morning (Y/n). Merry Christmas~" -Yamraiha

I gave them a toothy grin and settled on the seat across of them.

"Good morning~ Merry Christmas!!!" -(Y/n)

The maids immediately served me my food. It was a simple dish, buttered toast, frosted santa cookies and milk. Just something light to fill up my stomach before the meal later which is in a few hours. The whole country is in festive season, lights in every inch of the city, a Christmas tree in the centre. There will be a celebration later as I was told by Aliyah, similar to Maharagan.

After a few minutes, Ja'far walked in with Masrur, Alibaba and Morgiana tailing behind him, looking as if they just saw a ghost. Except Masrur and Ja'far of course. Giggling, I waved slightly towards them, trying to get Ja'far's attention. Masrur noticed me waving at them and tapped Ja'far on the shoulder and pointed towards my direction. I gave him a small smile in which he returned. He sat down next to me and planted a chaste kiss on my cheeks.

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