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[ mature content— read are your own risk
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"Y/n, please don't touch those documents."

The brunette looked at the female in his personal office with a humorless expression as he set out a single hand to retrieve the pile of documents in her lap. With the countless cases reappearing in the area, he was in charge of keeping track of their past and future missions. Before the arrival of his lovely girlfriend, he was in the midst of organizing the records in manilla cream folders. Confidential information was also contained in those folders, which explained the hesitation behind his tone of voice.

"Fine," y/n groaned, handing the folders back to their original owner. Her curiosity had always gotten the best of her in every situation. She couldn't help it though, especially considering the fact that her boyfriend was a detective. With a tap of a fingernail against his desk, she looked up at him with the other hand on her chin. "I'm bored now, Haru."

The young man bent down to store several folders into the lowest drawer of his personal office cabinet. "Well, I'm sorry, y/n, but I've got to finish this up before I forget," he admitted, rubbing the nape of his neck with an apologetic look smeared on his face. He always put his work before anything in the world. He strived for justice and was willing to do anything to achieve it.

"It's not fair, though. You're always so 'busy'?"

The detective sighed, running two fingers to his temple as he attempted to grasp on to her words. His hair threw itself back slightly upon getting up on his two feet once more to collect more folders that sat right next to the only woman inside of his apartment. He caught the sight of y/n adjusting the buttons on her baby blue cardigan, which revealed an area of exposed skin. "I've got a lot on the line right now at work," he replied in a monotone voice, shaking his head.

"What type of stuff?" she further asked, loosening the hair tie that held her ponytail together until her hair beautifully splayed behind her back. The slight wave at the ends bounced as she moved her head in the direction of her long-time boyfriend. "I'm dying to know..."

He swore he caught her wink from the corner of his eye. Coughing, his shoulders stiffened as he felt a finger crawl up from his waist to his upper arm. Sweat began to bead around his forehead as he felt his pants tighten down below within a couple of seconds. "Y/n...not now. I've got work to do, beautiful. I really need to focus."

"Why don't you focus on me then?" she confidently replied.

In a matter of a single minute, y/n unbuttoned her cardigan and unzipped her skirt, letting the two articles of clothing fall to the ground. The cold breeze of air tickled her skin as it blew in from the open window inside of the dark office. Instinctively, she got on her knees. "W-What are you doing, y/n?" the detective stuttered, taking a couple of steps back.

"I'm doing you a favor..."

"Y/n! I-I don't know what you have in mind right now, but I would really appreciate it if you put your clothes on right now. It's cold for crying out loud!" he blurted, bending down to her level and reaching out for her smooth skirt until he noted another thing fall to the ground. Her bra. Immediately, he gazed up and found y/n displaying her breasts to him. This was completely unlike her at all. "Y/n..."

"Haru, please! I've wanted to try stuff out for a while now. It's the least you can do for me after leaving me for six months alone in Japan," y/n begged, gripping onto his wrist as he attempted to collect her clothes. The detective took a deep breath and exhaled through his nose. Yes, he had taken a case in China, but he hadn't realized how long they had been apart from each other since his departure at the airport. She has deeply missed him, and she couldn't wait until he ravished her.

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