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Heyo! This is Jen!

I hate making these side chapters, but I felt the need to address some things that I've noticed since I was on a small hiatus

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I hate making these side chapters, but I felt the need to address some things that I've noticed since I was on a small hiatus.

First off, thank you to everyone who reads this book! Honestly, my writing is okay. It's not perfect that's for sure, but I'm always striving to improve my skills. Writing is something I do for fun. I do it when I have time available in my schedule.

I read all of your comments! Some of them truly make me laugh and smile. I love reading what you guys have to say about the shitty one-shots I publish. Lmao.

Although, I wanted to clarify some things.

When I first published this book, I mentioned going kinda nuts at the thought of Daisuke having a wife. That was before I found out that Suzue was actually his relative. Yes, they are related. I'm pretty aware of that situation by now. No need to start up a small argument of what some might think.

Second, I've read a lot of comments going on about the age thing. Okay, okay. Haha. I know we might have some minors reading this book. Lmao. I don't mind that. You do you, boo! It is your decision to read whatever you want on Wattpad. No one should be judging any other person about that. I used to read smut all the time when I was younger. I'll admit that for sure.

But, I want you guys to know that I am eighteen. I'm legally considered an adult, even though I feel like such a child. What I write is from my perspective as a young adult. I've had some people message me and try to attack me for writing smut or anything nsfw. Some have tried to go on and on about why I shouldn't be exposing this type of writing to minors.

Honestly, I write what I want.

No one should be telling me what I should or should not write.

I do accept requests and I love writing for others, but when people try attacking me for writing explicit things. Well, at that point, it's gone way too far. I am not promoting people to read smut. I'm just clarifying that everyone makes their own decisions on what they want to read.

For the most part, I always have a warning at the top to distinguish what type of one-shot it is, so no need to attack me all the time.

Third, I remember writing a one-shot about how the reader, aka y/n, thought about getting an abortion before running away from Daisuke. Everyone is entitled to their opinions about that whole situation. I've had some people message me about that too, and about how cruel it is and how they don't quite agree with what I wrote.


My one-shots are purely fictional. Some are inspired from my own life. Some aren't. Some people have different views on this situation as I've mentioned before. I don't want to make this political at all.

After all, I write for fun— not to start arguments.

Other than that, I will say that I am officially back.

My summer course finished not long ago and I finally have some free time to focus on writing and requests. I will make a new one-shot request page on the next chapter. Anyways, I hope that you guys continue somewhat supporting me! :>

I'm leaving a small, new snippet of Ineffable here for you guys.


Their noses brushed past each other as their breaths tickled against their faces. His gold eyes peered into the woman as they tried to make sense of their sudden closeness. His heart erratically raced while y/n flushed a rosy pink. She had to admit to herself that she felt a spark ignite inside of her as the pair continued to awkwardly stare for seconds straight.

For once in her life, she felt her legs weaken. She was done with putting up a front, especially to the man who stood in front of her in that instant. To Haru. Y/n trusted the detective wholeheartedly. Afterall, they had become close friends in less than a single month. But, she was afraid of the new revelation within her heart and mind.

She was in love with him.

Or so, she thought she was.

"May I?" the brunette breathed out, lifting her chin up.

Y/n gazed at the ground in an attempt to avert her attention elsewhere, but failed terribly as soon as she caught sight of the brunette in the maroon suit once more. Her heart told her to let loose. Alas, her mind was frightened of the aftermath.

More so...

She was afraid of the reaction from the man that stood ten feet away from the two— the man with the stark, navy eyes.

The one and only Daisuke Kambe.

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