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[ slight mature content in the beginning/fluff
dedicated to Daisuke_Wifey ]

The infamous detective continued to thrust his manhood into his wife as the two made love in their bedroom. His wife, y/n, moaned and rolled her eyes back as he began to hit her sweet spot from behind. Daisuke held onto her hips as he bucked his hips forwards, causing y/n to release more lewd noises. The woman supported her upper body weight with the help of her arms while her legs began to spread farther apart upon feeling her husband twitch inside of her. His shaft delved into her wetness inch by inch, which excited the wealthy man. "D-Daisuke...faster...please..."

Her husband complied to her order and bent down to kiss her bare shoulders and back as he fucked her endlessly in a doggy position. Y/n flushed a deep red as the twitching became more evident by the second, informing her of his near release. With sweat beading down her face, she begged him to go deeper into her core— not caring if it hurt a bit more. Nodding, he aimed his manhood and pushed it in to feel her cave tightening around him. "Fuck...y/n, I'm close. I'm so close."

The sound of skin slapping was the last thing heard before sensing the arrival of someone at their bedroom door. Daisuke, nevertheless, continued to thrust into his wife while she silently panicked to herself. "D-Daisuke, I think someone is at the door."

"They can wait," he breathed, pounding into the woman. With two final thrusts, he released inside of his wife with a grunt, filling her up with his white fluid. Y/n bit down on her lower lip as she felt herself release as well under his control. Standing up, Daisuke watched as his seed dripped down from her core to her inner thighs. Satisfied, he handed her a robe to wear while he put on a shirt and his pajama pants.

"Mama, papa. I'm scared," a little voice cried out, knocking on their door numerous times. Daisuke froze in place and exchanged looks with y/n as they heard their little girl begin to cry outside of their door. Y/n shook her head, pointing at the door for the detective to get it, hoping that she didn't hear anything. Opening the door, the ten-year-old clutched onto her teddy bear and ran inside of her parents' bedroom. Daisuke welcomed her with a tight embrace before carrying her to the sofa in the room. "I-I'm scared..."

The wealthy man kissed her forehead, hugging his sweet daughter as she fidgeted with her night dress. "What are you scared of, princess?" he asked, staring into her similar blue eyes of Airi.

"I heard thunder. I heard Mama screaming. I was scared she was hurt," the little girl responded, looking over to see her mother with disheveled hair and in her robe. Shaking her head, she walked over to the sofa, kissing her daughter's cheek until glaring at Daisuke. However, the detective didn't mind the look his wife gave him. Instead, he smirked, kissing his wife on the lips. "Ew, papa!"

"I'll always protect your mother. You've got nothing to worry about, sweetheart. You see, we were just playing around, and your mother just wouldn't follow directions," he responded with a slight chuckle. Y/n, on the other hand, swatted the back of his head in disapproval. "See what I'm trying to say, she's mad."

"Am not!" y/n argued, waving a finger in front of her husband before heading in the direction of the bathroom as she felt their juices dripping down her legs. She was embarrassed. She never wanted her daughter to witness or hear one of their passionate love-making sessions in a million years. Up until now, they had tried their best to stay on a low radar. "Your father is just saying things, Airi."

However, Airi trusted her father and his words, due to the fact that he was a hard-working detective like her uncle Haru. Airi loved her uncle to bits and pieces. She admired him for what he did and well, she had to side with the professionals here. "Mama, you're just mad! Papa says so! He didn't do anything, so I think you should apologize to him," she stated, hugging the wealthy man.

Y/n choked on her own breath as she heard her daughter agree with her father. "You're supposed to be on my side, Airi."

"But— I love papa!"

Daisuke patted his daughter on her head in approval. "See, she loves her father more. I know you're upset about the sudden confession, but it's safe to assume that I'm the favorite parent," the wealthy man admitted, raising his eyebrow to the woman in front of the bathroom door. Both him and his daughter thought alike under these situations. It made him happy to know that he had someone to back him up, despite how y/n felt with making the favorite parent thing not a competition.

"You might be the favorite parent for now at least, but don't have high hopes Kambe. I'm the one dealing with them for the most part," y/n fiercely responded, shutting the door behind her as she entered the bathroom. Inside, she quickly wiped herself off, praying to god that she wouldn't end up with another child after their supposed game. Standing in front of the mirror, she quickly fixed her hair up and washed her face before making an appearance once again. Y/n walked out with slow strides, catching the attention of her husband. He stared at her smooth legs for a long minute until being whacked in the face by a teddy bear.

"Don't stare at mama for too long. Papa, that's bad," Airi muttered, pinning her father down and continuously whacking him until he began to apologize. Y/n giggled at the sight of her daughter, applauding. Recently, y/n had taught her about the dangers of staring and pointing, hoping that it would come in use, like right now, for instance.

Daisuke fell down the sofa and hit the hardwood floor with a slam, stirring up the twins in the other room. The couple stayed quiet alongside Airi to listen for any noises. Much to their dismay, they heard a small cry, followed by another. It was almost midnight and now the married couple had to deal with two crying toddlers in the wee hour. "The babies are crying, papa. It's your fault," the little girl continued, crossing her arms.

As much as Airi loved her siblings, she didn't enjoy hearing them cry so often. Y/n had explained to her that it was natural for them to cry at a young age, but the girl with blue eyes had enough after a year. Hearing her siblings cry disturbed everything, including alone time with her parents. She missed being the only child, but she understood that she needed to share her parents with both of their siblings. Silently, Airi looked down at the floor with a sad expression written across her face, tears edging the corners of her eyes.

The young mother walked out of the bedroom to grab the twins from their cribs. She hoisted the two up and rocked them, entering the bedroom to find a crying Airi being comforted by Daisuke. Great, she thought, now I have three babies crying.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?"

Airi brought her knees up to her chest and hugged them, fighting back whimpers. Daisuke continued to embrace her, running a hand through her dark smooth hair as she stumbled with her words. "I— j-just wanted mama and papa. A-Alone."

"Airi, darling, we can always make time for just the three of us. I know you're trying your best to be a good sister, but you don't have to keep it to yourself. I don't want you hurting yourself. Got it?" the detective whispered, sticking his pinky out. Airi connected their pinkies together and wiped her tears away. "We can go anywhere you want to go. You chose— and I'll make time for me and your mother to go with you."

"W-What about brother and sister?" she sniffled, pointing at the crying toddlers in y/n's arms as she settled them down to get their diapers changed. Occasionally, the young mother would look up to make sure that everything was sailing smoothly with Daisuke and Airi. The wealthy man tried his best to be a good father to their children, but with his job— it sometimes left a gap in their hearts for weeks or days, depending on the length of the case.

"We'll ask your aunt to take care of them."

"W-With uncle Haru?" she peeped out, batting her lashes.

Daisuke snickered at the way she called his brother-in-law her uncle, despite his sister and the brunette only having been married for a month now. "Maybe? If he's available."


Y/n smiled at her daughter and husband getting along, returning her attention to the two-year-olds in her bed. Her son sucked on his thumb as his eyes dozed off. Meanwhile, her other daughter squealed and reached her arms out to the mother. Y/n lifted her baby girl up and tickled her belly, causing the small child to giggle. The detective turned his head to view his wife and daughter, grinning. He truly loved his wife. He loved seeing how good she was with the children. He loved everything about her. "So, have you decided, Airi?"

"Let's make teddy bears and go for a picnic!"

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