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[ daisuke x female reader (fluff)

inspired by a headcannon from @owosquad ]

The young mother of three smiled at the sight of her daughter with her small kit, which consisted of several nail polishes as well as small diamond embellishments, while occasionally turning her head to keep a close eye on the toddler twins that played together on the playmat. Her sister-in-law tickled both of the twins, causing a fit of giggles to unleash from the mischievous beasts. Grinning, Suzue proceeded to play with her niece and nephew as y/n prepared herself for a manicure by the lovely Kambe, Airi. The ten-year-old took out the pieces of her kit before looking over at her aunt Suzue. "Auntie, do you want a manicure?"

Slightly humming to herself, Suzue embraced her nephew, peppering his chubby cheek with butterfly kisses. Her attention then averted to her beautiful niece. Politely, she shook her head. "I already got a manicure from one of my friends," the woman responded, taking the initiative to display her nails to the aspiring nail artist. Airi gasped at the sight of her nails, which were covered in a pale peach color with slight gold flower embellishments towards the tip, and excitedly clapped her hands together. "Next time, I'll let you do my nails. Does that sound like a good idea?"

"Yes!" she chirped out. "Mama, what color do you want?"

Y/n looked over at the nail polishes on display, chewing on her lower lip as she tried to make a rational decision of the color on her nails. It didn't make sense to Daisuke whatsoever, but y/n had always consistently tried to explain the logical reasoning behind the decision. Being the wife of a man, who is a part of one of the wealthiest families, and an infamous detective put a load on her shoulder as all of the attention was solely drawn on her and their small family. She felt that she was being watched 24/7. Her appearances made statements. Not to mention, everyone loved to try catching a glimpse of their lives as the couple attempted to raise the children all on their own. "I like this one," y/n announced, pointing at a navy color. "It matches with your eyes."

"It matches with papa too!" Airi giggled, removing the top from the polish.

"What matches, sweetheart?" a deep voice uttered, inching closer to the active family. Daisuke adjusted his tie a little before lifting his youngest daughter into his arms. With the squirming toddler against his hip, he leaned in to try to get a closer look of both his daughter and wife. Y/n flushed a deep red upon the glimpse of her husband with one of their children. His disheveled hair did wonders in the insides of y/n as she took in this opportunity to soak in the view of Daisuke as an actual father. "That color looks wonderful on your mother. Excellent choice, dear."

"W-Well, it only seemed befitting to match," the woman stuttered, looking up to meet the eyes of her husband. The wealthy man pressed a chaste kiss on her cheek before paying most of his attention on his youngest daughter, who continuously poked and tugged on his navy sweater vest. "Looks like she is really enjoying having her daddy around."

Daisuke rubbed his nose against the cheek of the two-year-old in his arms, nodding. Suzue, on the other hand, placed her nephew in a sitting position on the playmat in front of several toy cars, lifting herself from the floor. She smoothened out her skirt and waved a quick goodbye to both y/n and Airi. At last, she whispered a quick comment into her brother's ear before making her disappearance for the day away from the mansion. Airi, with steady hands, painted her mother's nails, curious to know what her aunt said to her father. The detective carried both of the twins in each arm, whisking them away to the nursery room for their usual naptime. Upon his return, he sat on the white couch nearby the area his daughter worked carefully. Y/n rambled on about work to Airi as she touched up the final design with a pearl embellishment near the cuticle. "Papa, can I paint your nails?"

Watching from a distance, Daisuke was slightly taken aback as his daughter begged to paint his nails. He choked on his breath for a couple of seconds before straightening himself. "Sweetheart, why don't you paint your own nails? I'm sure we've got plenty of nail polish removers lying around the house," he quickly stated, loosening his collar shirt underneath his vest. The detective brushed back his hair and gazed at his wife, who was taking her time to blow on the fresh manicure on her nails. The man had to admit to himself that Airi was truly talented in doing nails, but due to his job- he didn't think that it would be appropriate to have painted nails.

"B-But papa! Pretty please!" she begged a little louder, getting closer to her father. She gave him the 'puppy-eye' look and pursed her lips out a little in hopes that he would give in. "Please, please, please! Just this once! Please, papa!"

"Sorry, Airi, but my answer is 'no'," he responded.

Y/n gave her husband a threatening look, huffing. She crossed her arms across her chest and shook her head. As much as she loved her husband, she wanted him to play along with anything her daughter wanted to do, especially considering the fact that he has spent some time away from their family due to work-related trips in other countries. It wasn't torture. Before the couple had children, they promised each other that they would do anything for their children's happiness. In this exact moment, he was breaking their promise. "Daisuke, remember..."

"Y/n, I made my answer clear. It is a no."



"Daisuke, for once will you listen."

"Fine!" the detective blurted, getting up from his seat and settling next to their daughter. He stared at Airi and smiled, nodding in approval. Y/n had won the argument and he knew there was no going back. Guess he'd have to ask for a reward later in bed. "Just this once, sweetheart."

"Yay!" the ten-year-old exclaimed, motioning for his left hand. Daisuke set the hand out and watched as Airi worked on his nails with a chrome black color. He noted the cute expression on her face as she concentrated to get the coat as even as possible. The way she furrowed her eyebrows in and stuck her tongue out a little reminded him of y/n. He reminisced about the look y/n had on her face the day they worked on the nursery for Airi. With a final stroke of the brush, Airi fanned her father's hand to admire her masterpiece. She was proud of the final product, but yawned. "Don't you like it, papa?"

"I love it! Thank you so much, sweetie," Daisuke said, pulling y/n beside him.

Y/n nodded, peeking at the time from one of the nearby clocks. It read eleven. As Airi yawned, y/n helped put the pieces back into her kit before directing her back to her room. "Airi, get some sleep. Good night, baby."

Airi kissed both of her parents on the cheek, shutting the door to her room. As the coast was clear, Daisuke sweeped y/n from the ground and carried her through the hall bridal style, despite her causing a fuss in his arms. "What the hell do you think you're doing, Kambe? You're going to mess your nails up."

"So?" he chuckled, opening the door to their bedroom. With practice, he mastered opening the door with his wife in his arms, which amazed y/n after years of being married. Y/n squealed as Daisuke pinned her against their bed, finding herself gulping while he breathed closely against her skin. On instinct, he kissed her lips before trailing kisses down to her collarbone. Y/n fanned her hand against her chest, trying to catch her breath. The detective then proceeded to kiss the fingertips while examining her manicure. "She did such a good job, but I'm thinking that she might have to fix both of our nails sometime tomorrow."

"Don't you even dare?" she giggled, playfully punching his shoulder.

"Try me..."

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