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His mind was clouded with a million thoughts as he tried to remember much of last night and the celebration he had with y/n on their first year anniversary. Clearly written all over his face, he could still feel the effects of the terrible hangover and alcohol in his system. Haru drove through the familiar road to the headquarters of the department he worked for and noted the terrible traffic within a couple of seconds. Groaning, he banged his head against the steering wheel, knowingly becoming aware that he would probably arrive a whole hour late to work. "Come on..."

As he was stuck in traffic, Haru felt a small sting and soreness on his lips as his tongue traced over them briefly. It was only a reminder of their anniversary night, which made the brunette smirk and sigh in content as he followed through the flow of traffic. Before long, he fortunately arrived at the headquarters in one piece. He had a long day ahead of him as Daisuke came around his cubicle with a stack of Manila folders. "You're late," he stated in a monotone voice, keeping his eye on the brunette as he struggled to open a packaged breakfast sandwich.

"Don't remind me," the thirty-year-old sighed, rolling his eyes.

The wealthy man sat in his own cubicle and spun around in his chair while fidgeting with the pen on one side. His eyes stayed glued to his older coworker while he attempted to find use in his position at the moment after having already filled out a report about the previous weeks incidents. Haru, on the other hand, bit onto his sandwich as he looked through the reports and new evidence for the upcoming cases. Unknowingly, his face was smeared with red stains on his upper jaw and cheek.

Stupid, Daisuke thought with a chuckle.

"Looks like someone had fun last night," Daisuke teased, swiftly pointing at the stains on Haru's neck with the pen in hand. Embarrassed by the sudden revelation, the brunette widened his eyes and quickly covered his skin with his hand— casually playing it off with a scoff.

The brunette grabbed a tissue from one side of the room and poured a bit of water into the piece of paper before rubbing it against his light skin. Much to his dismay, the stain was only getting worse as he rubbed the area for several minutes. In defeat, Haru dropped his shoulders and tied his tie further up around his neck to somewhat hide the lipstick stains. The older detective knew he had to do something in return as payback for the stains. Despite the fact that he hated the lipstick marks on his neck, he loved the kisses y/n would leave, especially the deep and passionate ones. "Kambe, don't you dare tell anyone about this."

Daisuke crossed his arms with an intimidating look before shrugging and slightly raising his eyebrows in a playful manner. The thirty-year-old continued to work on the reports in silence while hastily writing down important information on a notepad. Hours pass and eventually, the arrival of y/n surprises him. Everyone was surrounding his beauty and offering her a place to sit as they all tried to catch an update on the private relationship she held with one of their superiors. "Y/n, what are you doing here?" the brunette asked, offering her a hand.

Y/n lifted herself off the couch. Quickly, she reached her arms out for a hug from her boyfriend in hopes of sneaking a kiss. "I missed I thought that I'd bring lunch for you today. I hope you don't mind me showing up uninvited."

"N-Not at all," he stuttered, holding her hand.

The others in the room applauded at the couple and encouraged a kiss to occur in front of their eyes. Meanwhile, Haru broke free from her grasp and stomped his foot against the hard floor. "Guys, I swear—"

Y/n giggled at the commotion. She tugged onto Haru, motioning him to enter one of the interrogation rooms to be away from the others. She loved being the center of attention, but in this moment— she wanted alone time with the detective. "They're all so sweet and welcoming, even Daisuke."

"Not Daisuke," the brunette uttered, rubbing the bridge of his noise in slight annoyance at the mention of the man in the suit. "Anyway, do you have the lipstick you wore from last night? The dark one."

"Yes," she answered in confusion. Appalled, she reached into her purse and pulled the tube of lipstick out. She handed the lipstick to her boyfriend before pursing her lips. "Why do you need it—"

Haru opened the cap on the lipstick before turning the bottom, allowing the red material to go up. He was about to do something that he knew he would regret later on. "To do this," he stated, smearing the lipstick onto y/n and her skin.

Y/n let out a loud gasp in disbelief, slapping Haru in the face. "What the hell, Kato?" she blurted out loud.

The detective laughed at the sight of the young woman with red marks all over her face. It was amusing to him, but not to the girl standing in front of him. "I'm sorry! It's payback for what you did to me!"

"I didn't do it on purpose!" the female confessed, gripping onto the brunette's chin. She pulled him up to meet her gaze until pressing their lips together into a deep kiss. Haru melted under her grip and felt his knees weaken as she moved her lips swiftly against his own. "I really hope you don't mind the lipstick stains. After all, I just want everyone to know that you're mine."

The brunette met her eyes and smiled. "I don't mind it one bit if you promise to love me for the rest of our lives."

"Is that a proposal, I hear?"

"Not at all," he replied, pushing the strands of hair away from covering his eyes. "Not now, at least."

Y/n pouted and stuck her tongue out at him. She turned in the direction of the door and proceeded to touch the knob before she was pushed against the wall. Her hands were pinned by his hands and he inched closer to the female as she stood still in place. The dominant side of Haru was something she enjoyed to witness every once in a while.

Under his hold, their lips met once again in a blissful kiss. Eventually, one thing led to another and those soft kisses became heated by the second. She had her hands wrapped his neck as their noses brushed past each other with every affection she was receiving from the brunette. Haru hoisted her up with his arms against a wall for support and began to run a hand through her inner thigh, which only made her slightly moan in response. He never wanted to stop, but unfortunately things were interrupted with the arrival of a man in a suit into the interrogation room without a warning.

Daisuke coughed upon the sight of the two, ruining the mood between the couple. Y/n fell to the ground in a hurry and her boyfriend scurried to maintain a calm composure with his hair sticking out in an odd way. "Congratulations on the new baby," he announced, waving a finger at the two. "Let's just hope it turns out more like y/n."

A rosy blush creeped onto the young woman's face as she tugged a piece of hair behind her ear. She stuttered with her words as she tried to explain the situation at hand.

"She's not pregnant, so leave us alone," the brunette declared, watching the man in the suit walk out of the room.

"Not yet," he finally replied, making his leave.

Not yet, y/n thought, gulping at the thought of a child at their stage in the relationship.

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