It's April 1st you fool

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*So I saw a tweet about this and since the other day was April fools day I thought this could be a cute little story for y'all*

This was the day. Steve was sure of it. He could just feel it when he woke up that morning. After consulting with Nat last night he felt ready, even optimistic. He woke up with a big goofy smile on his face. His heart was already pounding in his chest as he thought about what he was going to do today. At first he had been nervous but Nat had told him she was positive he would not get rejected. Steve went over the plan in his head once again while he put on a t-shirt and sweatpants. Yes, today was the day. He would finally ask Tony out.


Tony got out of bed early that day. He had only slept for a few hours, because his sleep was marked by nightmares. With a grunt he rolled out of bed and got dressed. Today was not going to be a great day. He left his room and went down the corridor passing Wanda, Sam Wilson and Natasha Romanoffs rooms along the way. Tony was heading straight to the kitchen and his morning coffee.

Even though he felt like shit Tony started humming a tune to try and lift his spirit. He reached the kitchen and started to make coffee. He heard footsteps and looked up from the machine. It was captain handsome himself probably on his way to the fitness downstairs.

"You're up early Capsicle, old people like you should sleep longer " Tony called out. Steve's head snapped in the direction of the voice, he clearly thought he was the only person in the room. Steve looked startled and despite his bad mood Tony let out a chuckle. Steve seemed to relax.

"Oh! Good morning Tony, I didn't see you there" he said and walked past the kitchen down to the fitness. Tony didn't mean to look at Steve Rogers ass, but he couldn't help himself when the blonde walked past him and down the stairs to the gym.

A month ago out of the blue Tony just woke up and thought holy shit Captain America is hot . Since then he had tried and failed and tried and failed and tried again not to feel attracted to the guy, but it was hopeless. Tony couldn't stop thinking about how gorgeous his blue eyes were or how he wanted to run his fingers along his biceps or-

"Stop" he mumbled under his breath. "He's not interested in you". His coffee was ready, but Tony took his time so he could sneak glances through the glass doors at the gym where Steve was working out.


"-Old people like you should sleep longer " Steve's head jerked in the direction of the voice. For a moment he stopped breathing. There was Tony, standing in the kitchen, in a long sleeved black shirt. It was clear Tony had just woken up because his hair was ruffled and a bit curly. It looked so soft and Steve wanted to spend the whole morning running his fingers through it. And Tony looked so cute standing there and Steve just wanted to pick him up and kiss him and-

Tony let out a small chuckle and brought Steve back to reality. Say something Steve you big dumbass he said to himself. "Oh! Good morning Tony, I didn't see you there" real smooth Steve real smooth.

He considered asking Tony out right there, but decided to stick with his plan. He walked past Tony and down the stairs to the gym.

During his workout he made sure Tony could see him at all times. He also made sure to flex his biceps more than necessary and lift his shirt up to wipe the sweat off his forehead so if Tony looked he could see Steve's abs. He could sometimes feel Tony's gaze on him and it made him smile. The plan was working.


At one point during his workout Steve lifted up in his shirt and Tony choked on his coffee.

About an hour later Tony was in the lab working on some stuff. Being in the lab always made his mood better even though he still was lacking sleep. Suddenly someone knocked on the door. He told Jarvis to open it and Tony turned to see Steve Rogers walk through the glass doors.

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