I lost the kid

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*Two things we know happened in Endgame, the russo brothers were just cowards and wouldn't give it to us*

Steve was washing the last shaving foam of his cheeks, when the building started to shake.

He ran out of the bathroom. In the living room he was met by an equally surprised Natasha. 

"What is happening?" he asked her and put on a shirt.

"I don't know" she said and grabbed her jacket. Bruce and Rhodey came running into the room. The four of them hurried outside. 

Outside they were met by Pepper Potts who stood on the grass and stared into the dark. The shaking got worse. Then they saw it.

It was a gigantic... spaceship? Steve had never really seen one so he couldn't know for sure. A glowing person (what was going on??) seemed to carry it and landed it safetly on the grass a short walk away from where they were standing. Then it hit Steve who could be in the spaceship and he started to sprint.

The spaceship opened and two people walked out. One of them were blue, but that wasn't what Steve was focused on. Because the other person stumbling out of the spaceship, was Tony. 

The Captain rushed to his side to support him. Even though Tony looked thin and exhausted, Steve felt a rush of relief over seeing the other man alive. 

"I couldn't stop him" Tony said as Cap guided him down to the grass. 

"Neither could I" Steve said and Tony stopped walking. They looked into each others eyes. Steve swallowed, when he saw all the crushing despair in Tony's dark eyes.

"I lost the kid" he whispered and tears filled his eyes. 

"Oh Tony" Cap whispered softly and pulled him into a hug. He could feel the genius's thin body shake in his arms as he sniffed into the captain's shoulder. Steve closed his eyes to stop them from getting wet. Tony was back in his arms. Steve caressed his dark hair. He hadn't seen him since Sibiria.

"I'm so sorry Tony" Steve whispered into his ear. Tony nodded and took a step back. 

"Is..." he asked referring to Pepper. Steve nodded and lowered his gaze. 'Tony loves Pepper now, he doesn't love you anymore Steve!' he thought to himself. Tony sighed in relief. Then he noticed Steve shameful stare at the ground and his tightened jaw. He stepped closer.

"Cap..?" Steve looked up with a painful look in the blue eyes. Tony had a worried look in his eyes and he frowned slightly. He lifted a hand and stroke his cheek. Steve slowly grabbed his hand and kissed it. Tony took a deep shaky breath. Steve looked around and saw the others hurry in their direction. It was now or maybe never.

Steve took a step closer, inclined his head and kissed Tony. At first Tony seemed to hesitate, but he soon gave in. He wrapped his arms around Steve's waist. It had been years since their last kiss, but they quickly fell into a familiar rythm. The kiss was soft, so very soft and slow. Steve realised how much he had longed for Tony. Now he was back, but everything was different.   

Tony was the one who pulled away first. For a moment they just held each other, their foreheads resting against each others. Steve then lifted Tony's chin before kissing him again. He didn't care if the others saw. He didn't care what they would think of him. He just wanted to hold Tony, to kiss and caress his body. All the thoughts about Thanos and defeat slipped away as his mouth moved against Tony's. Unfortunatly, they had to break apart to get air.

"Tony I lov-" Steve whispered, but was interrupted when Pepper reached them. Steve stepped away from Tony. Pepper started crying and threw her arms around Tony. He hugged her as she sobbed into his shoulder. The two men made eyecontact. Steve didn't even try to hide the disappointment. Tony noticed and lowered his gaze. The captain had trouble reading his face. 

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