Visions and nightmares

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*So I rewatched Age of Ultron last night and I realised something: Laura tells Clint some of the Avengers have to share rooms if they stay overnight and then mentions Bruce and Nat. Which means, with Thor out of the picture and Clint who is sleeping in their bedroom, Tony and Steve have to share a room* 

"You have to be kidding me" Tony said.

"I'm not" Clint said "We have two exstra bedrooms, so you have to share"

Nat looked up at Bruce.

"Bruce..?" she looked a bit nervous for his answer.

Bruce took a deep breath and ran a hand through his dark curls.

"Alright, me and Nat can share one of the rooms" he said and a Nat sighed in relief with a smile slowly spreading on her face. She stood up and reached out a hand. Bruce took it and they walked out of the room.

"Don't do anything freaky lovebirds!" Tony called after them "Bruce gets green when excited"

"Tony" Steve said "we should also get some sleep"

Tony turned around to face the last two avengers. 

"What? No! I appreciate it Clint, but i'm not sharing with Steve. I can just sleep on the couch" he said and pointed towards the sofa. 

Steve crossed his arms. "Tony, you need a proper nights sleep and you can't get that on a couch. I need you to be rested tomorrow"

Tony also crossed his arms, trying to look as buff as Steve. "I can take care of myself. I'm an adult, you know?" he said sarcastically.

Steve raised his eyebrows. "Oh really? Then start acting like one" 

Tony's face got red. "You're just desperate after sharing a bed with me or something" 

Steve let out a contemptuous laugh. "I know you think you're the center of the world, Tony, but not everyone is interested in you. I'm not one of your desperate lovers, who sucks you off for your money"

Tony opened his mouth and closed it again. He stormed out of the room.

Clint who had stood in the kitchen the entire time looked uncomftable.

"Ehm...Goodnight Cap" he said and hurried towards the stairs.

"Goodnight Barton and thank you" Steve said. Clint nodded and disappeared up the stairs.

Steve took a deep breath before walking towards the bedroom he had to share with Tony. Maybe it had been a bad decision to argue with the genius. The captain feared it would be really awkward now. He opened the door. It was a small bedroom. A double bed in the corner, a closet and one genius billionaire playboy philanthropist.

Tony had crawled onto the bed to open the only window in the room, which was on the opposite wall from where Steve was standig. Tony didn't react, so Cap assumed he hadn't heard the door open. The window swung open. 

"Thank god" he heard Tony whisper. He rested his head on his arms and stared out, into the dark night outside. His shoulders seemed to relax. Steve felt a light breeze from the window. Outside was the moon full and the moonlight shone through the room.

"Tony, i shouldn't have said what I did" Steve said, breaking the silence. Tony's head snapped in his direction. When he saw Steve, standing in the doorway, he let out a sigh and crawled over the bed, away from the window. 

"Whatever, we should get some sleep and I think you should take the spot underneath the window.

"Okay" Steve said, not wanting to discuss it. He took his shoes off and took the inner spot underneath the window so his back was facing the wall. Steve tugged his shirt over his head.

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