Mantis don't...

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*I know this idea isn't original, but this is my interpretation of what would happen if Mantis touched Tony Stark*

Mantis was curious. She was curious about Tony Stark. The dark haired man with the atypical beard seemed to give off a lot of energy, but Mantis couldn't determine what kind of energy it was until she had an opportunity to touch him.

Mantis didn't really know anything about the guy or his backstory. He seemed a little cocky and he would refer to things Mantis didn't know. People had told her, the Tony guy was really intelligent and that he had buit a suit of...iron? Mantis had no idea. But anyway he seemed weird and Mantis was curious.


They stood in a circle, Mantis and the rest of the guardians and talked to Tony Stark and a blonde guy called Steve Rogers. The two strangers stood beside each other, their arms touching. Tony hid his hands in his pockets and he blushed when the taller guy beside him, smiled or they made eyecontact. Even if Mantis had been a regular human, she would have felt the clear sexual tension between the two men. 

Mantis didn't really listen to the conversation, but it seemed like everyone was in good spirit.  Gamora was talking to Steve Rogers and Peter Quill, Drax and Rocket chatted with Tony Stark. Groot was playing on his handheld game console.

Mantis looked around. Near them were Thor standing with a group of people. One of them were a red haired woman, one had a quiver with arrows in and the last guy had dark curls and was wearing a purple shirt. Maybe it was the group Thor had mentioned. What was it they were called? The Aviators? The Revengers? The Avengers, that was it.

Mantis returned her attention back to the people around her. Peter Quill said what Mantis assumed to be a joke and Tony Stark started laughing. Gamora and Steve stopped talking and turned their attention to the laughing man.

"Can I touch you?" Mantis suddenly asked. Tony stopped laughing, but there was still a smile on his lips. They all turned their heads and looked at her. Even Groot looked up from his video game. 

"Mantis, i'm not sure that's a good idea" Gamora said quietly with a serious look on her face. 

Tony looked around the group with a confused look. "What? I mean if you want to, go ahead. Or that depends on where you plan on touching me" he said with a grin and a wink. 

Nobody laughed. 

Mantis reached forward to touch the mans arm. 

"Mantis don't..." Peter Quill tried to say, but it was too late. Mantis grabbed Tony's arm.

One moment she was standing in the room, surrounded by friends and the next moment everything went black. 


It felt like she was drowning in blackness. There was nothing else, it was just his feelings. And they were unbearable.

It hurt. It really hurt.        

She had never experienced anything like it. 

The first thing that hit her was the pain. Not just pain, it was agony. It was loss and heartbreak. Here was a man who had been hurt deeply, for years. A man who had deep scars on his soul. Underneath the dominant pain, was loneliness. 

The feeling of being alone, without having anyone who cares about him. The feeling of being used over and over again and not feeling he could trust anyone. Even when he did trust, he was betrayed and left alone once again.

Mantis felt a deep sting of loathing. But it wasn't loathing for his surroundings.

It was for himself. 

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