I wouldn't mind

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*The Avengers are in Clint's house and Steve has no shame, also just a warning: Smut in this one and very bad cringey writing (worse than usual)*

After they arrived to Clint's house and discovered he had a family, Tony needed some air and time alone. He decided to go for a walk to try and clear his head. When he came back twenty minutes later, he did not feel better at all. We wondered what that maximoff kid had shown the others. Thor left just after their arrival and Natasha seemed really shaken. It reminded him of the vision the girl had shown him. Tony got a headache when he thought about all his friends laying dead at his feet and the aliens from New York-

"No" he mumbled to himself. "Don't think about that."

Maybe a shower would help. Before heading inside he grabbed some of his own and his teammates clothing in the quinjet. Inside he tossed some clothes to Natasha and Bruce who were sitting in a corner and talking quietly.

"Have you seen Steve?" he asked them.

"I think he went upstairs to take a shower" the russian spy said, she seemed a bit distracted. Tony went upstairs and into a bedroom. He could hear the water running in the adjoining bathroom. Through one of the windows Tony could see Clint and his wife with their children. Tony sat down on the bed and buried his head in his hands. Tony had not even noticed that the water had stopped running, before the bathroom door suddenly swung open. Tony quickly stood up and turned and holy shit. Steve stood in front of him, naked, except a white towel hanging loosely around his hips. Steve's abs and biceps made Tony's heart pound cause holy shit they looked good.

"Oh hey Tony! I'm sorry if you are planning on taking a shower. I think I might have used all the hot water" Steve said casually.

Tony managed to look up from his stomach. He cleared his throat.

"I should have joined you then."

Steve chuckled to himself and walked closer to Tony. He leaned down and whispered in his ear so Tony felt Steve's hot breath on his neck.

"I know that was meant as a joke, but if you did-" Steve leaned closer. "-I wouldn't mind."

Tony froze on the spot and Steve walked past him, close enough for their shoulders to touch.


-The next morning-

Tony woke up and was already in a bad mood.

Yesterday Tony and the others had decided none of them was ready to fight so they stayed overnight. This morning they would split up. Tony had to go to Oslo in Norway. But it was too early. Outside, the upcoming sun made the sky red and the other avengers were still asleep as far as Tony could tell. They all laid on airbeds in the living room because there was only one bedroom left and they couldn't decide who should have it.

Tony tried to go back to sleep, but after a while he gave up. All of a sudden Tony realised Steve was nowhere to be seen. His airbed and a blanket was the only things that indicated he had been there. Whatever, Tony thought. He couldn't care less about the handsome captains whereabouts. He was probably outside running or exercising or something.

Tony decided he needed a shower. Because of Cap's comment yesterday he had forgot all about taking a shower. As quietly as he could, Tony grabbed his stuff and went upstairs, careful not to wake anybody.

Upstairs, he went into the empty bedroom and to his surprise heard the water running once again. He knocked on the bathroom door. "Cap?" he asked. He heard someone turn off the water.

"Tony is that you?"

Tony didn't know what to say and without knowing why, he pulled down the door handle.

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