You scared the crap out of me

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*Steve and Tony have been together for some time, but they haven't told the rest of the crew yet. Also smut !! both in the story and in a picture at the end, so if you're easily offended, don't read, I dont want to ruin any childhoods! Also if you're related to me, you better leave right now*

Steve opened his eyes and was only met by darkness.

He groaned and looked at his phone, which was laying on a table beside his bed. 3:47 am.

He rolled over in his bed, trying to find a better position to lay in. He closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep, but realized how dry his mouth was. He dragged himself out of his bed and put on a pair of jogging pants.

Steve walked out of his room and sneaked down the dark corridor. The only sound that could be heard was his bare feet against the floor.

He reached the big living room and headed in the direction of the kitchen. He just needed some water and then he could go back to sleep. He yawned.

Then he felt someone grab his shoulder.

Steve was tired, but his reflexes for sure weren't. He spun around, grabbed the other person by the wrist and body slammed him or her.

The unknown person hit the ground and Steve heard them whimper when their back collided with the floor. Steve quickly sat down straddling the other persons lower stomach, pressing the person against the floor and grabbed their hands so they would be unable to shoot him if they had a gun.   

"Steve what the hell?" the person let out.


Oh shit.

"T-tony?" Steve mumbled and loosened his grip.

"Um yeah what the fuck was that?!"

Steve let go of Tony's hands and slided off his stomach. His eyes had adjusted to the dark by now and Tony's arc reactor let out a dim blue light, through his black t-shirt, that illuminated Steve's boyfriends handsome face.

"I'm so sorry Tones! I thought you were an intruder. You scared the crap out of me!" he explained and tried to calm down his beating heart. 

Tony slowly sat up and groaned over his sore back.

"It's fine. Don't worry, I'm used to being sore" he said.

"I know you are" Steve grinned and helped the smaller man up.

The captain opened the fridge and took out a bottle of milk.

"What are you doing up anyway?" he asked Tony. The genius shrugged.

"Couldn't sleep and got an idea I had to try out in the lab. Was on my way back to my room when I saw you. Also, that's not really hygienic" he said and pointed at Steve, who was just drinking straight out of the bottle.

"Why not? You are used to share spit with me" the blonde said.

Tony grinned. "I meant for the others. Why are you drinking milk anyway?"       

"What can I say? I like white liquids" Steve said with a smirk.

"Well in that case" the genius walked over to him, ran a hand over his bare chest and abs, before putting his arms around his slim waist and tiptoed so he was tall enough to whisper in his ear "I think I have one you'll like"

Steve put down the bottle on the table behind him.

"Oh really?" he whispered back and let his own hands run down over Tony's back.

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