This is what you wanted

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*Steve and Tony have been together for about a month*

"Okay I have an idea!" Steve proclaimed. 

The rest of the Avengers turned their heads in his direction. They were all sitting around in the kitchen. Thor had an arm around Bruce who was reading in a newspaper. Tony was sitting on the counter, drinking his third cup of coffee. Wanda was in the middle of making breakfast. Vision helped finding glasses and plates while he constantly sneaked glances at Wanda. Pietro was sitting on Clint's lap.

"What is it?" Natasha asked as she walked into the room. 

"I have a bad feeling about this" Clint mumbled.

Steve ignored the comment.

"I think we should switch things up a bit" he said as Wanda handed out scrambled eggs, toast and smoothie to everyone. 

"You're going to let Tony top for once?" Clint teased. Steve's face got red. He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again.

"Come on, just one normal meal is all I ask for!" Natasha said.

Tony interrupted. "Hold on, who says I'm not already?" he asked, clearly offended.

"Literally everybody Stark" Pietro said in his thick accent with a smug smile.

"You are not the one to talk kid" Tony said and pointed at the sokovian boy and Clint.

"We are trying to eat here, can't you guys find another moment to discuss peoples sex life?" Bruce asked.

"Yeah, it's too early for this shit" Natasha said and took a bite of her bread.

"Anyway, can I continue?" Steve asked. 

"Please do" Wanda said and sat down at the table beside Vision. 

"We all have different skills and we are all good in different areas, so I think we should try and teach each other some of our specific skills. We will hopefully learn something new and it's also a great team exercise, so we can get to know more about each other" he explained.

"I'm sorry, but I can't teach you how to be worthy" Thor said with a laugh and lifted his hammer. Everyone rolled their eyes. 

"Maybe not, but i'm sure Bruce can teach you about some useful science" Steve suggested. Bruce nodded thoughtful. 

"Thats actually a good idea. We also get better at our abilities when we try to learn others about them" he said. 

"And even if we don't learn anything, it will still be fun" Pietro said.

"We are an uneven number, so I'll sit this one out" Vision said. Steve nodded.

"Okay, Thor and Bruce you're a team then. How about you teach Wanda some spy tricks, Nat?" Steve suggested. 

"Sure! You up for it Maximoff?"

"You bet" Wanda answered with a smirk. 

"Okay, how about me and Clint are a team? I could use his help to design some new arrows" Tony said. Clint nodded.

"Good idea, but just keep your hands off my boyfriend then" Clint said to Steve, refering to Pietro.

"Don't worry babe" Pietro gave him a quick kiss before standing up. "I could actually need Caps help on my uppercut." 

"Wait!" Steve said a little too loud. Everyone looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Wouldn't it be better if me and Tony were a team" he asked and tried to sound like it was just a suggestion. 

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