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*Takes place in the SHIELD headquaters*

Steve Rogers stepped inside the glass elevator.

He was wearing his Captain America outfit and he stood in silence as the elevator transported him down. After a few seconds it stopped and the doors opened.

Stark gave him a nod as he stepped through the doors. Steve's heart started to pound fast and he felt a slight blush crep onto his cheeks. Being alone with Tony in a small space was a dream come true, but at the same time also a nightmare. The other man was wearing a nice (and probably really expensive) suit with matching glasses and the captain thought he looked very handsome. 

The genius leaned against the wall of glass, that was opposite the elevator doors, next to Steve. He was tapping something on his phone. He stood close enough for Steve to smell his cologne. The super soldier took a strained breath and tried to calm himself down. 

'It's just Tony' he thought 'why am I so nervous?'

The doors closed and the elevator slowly started to move. They stood in silence and Steve felt a drop of sweat running down his neck. Then Tony broke the silence.

"I love you man" he said, still typing on his phone.

Steve stopped breathing for a second. His heart started to pound painfully fast and his face got red. He must have heard wrong, Tony couldn't possibly...

He felt like screaming, but luckily for him, a gasp was the only thing his mouth let out. He was in a complete state of shock while he considered if Tony could have meant something else and he was just interpreting it wrong.

Did Tony really love him?

Then he felt a wave of happiness. He had hoped, but never in his wildest dreams had Steve thought he would ever hear those words from Tony's mouth.

He looked over at the genius. Tony was still looking at his phone. Maybe he was just too nervous to make eye contact.

"I love you too!" he said. 

The genius seemed to freeze. He stopped typing on his phone and just stared straight ahead. Then he turned his head and looked at Steve with slightly open mouth. Steve noticed how Tony's cheeks had gotten a little red. The Captain gave him a small, hesitant and nervous smile.

Then Tony tapped something in his ear.

"Rhodey, I'm going to have to call you back" he said.

Steve had never wanted to die, but in that moment he was just wishing for the sweet merciful release of death. 

He looked away and swallowed hard. He could feel tears in his eyes. He had never in his whole life been that embarrassed. He wanted to jump out of the elevator, head first. 

That was the worst part. They were in an fuckin elevator, there was nowhere to go, nowhere to hide.

When Steve thought it couldn't get any worse, he was proven wrong.

Because Tony started  l a u g h i n g

Like, really laughing. As in clutching his stomach, laughing.

Steve wiped away a tear. He was so ashamed in the first place, he didn't need Stark to mock him.  

"What's so funny Stark?!" he said angrily and wiped another tear away.

He had messed everything up. Now Stark was making fun of him, after he had just confessed his biggest secret. 

Tony tried to collect himself. 

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